This repository contains the files required for the participants of Cisco Live! US 2022 workshop DEVWKS-2998: Flexing your Kubernetes cluster with Flux. We will use Chuck Norris App (because with who else we should be flexing?) to demonstrate the power of Flux and GitOps.
Flux has become one of the the most popular GitOps operator for Kubernetes and one of the corner stones in continuous delivery.
In his session we will go through the Flux architecture, configuration and deployment on Kubernetes clusters and how to operate these clusters with Flux. Together we will go through multiple scenarios addressing common different challenges and requirements.
- Kubernetes -
- Flux documentation -
- Flux GitHub -
chuck-norris-app-src - source code of Chuck Norris App
env - Kubernetes manifests to deploy Chuck Norris App
workshop - Content used in the workshop at CLUS2022