aims to produce clean machine-readable data about MSPM0 microcontroller families, including:
- ✔️ Base chip information
- Packages
- 🚧 Flash, RAM size
- ✔️ Peripheral addresses and interrupts
- ✔️ Interrupts
- ✔️ GPIO peripheral function (PF) mappings
- 🚧 Register blocks for all peripherals
- 🚧 DMA mappings
- ✔️ Per package pinouts
- 🚧 Links to applicable technical reference manual and datasheet PDFs.
✔️ = done, 🚧 = work in progress, ❌ = to do
The generated JSON files are available here in the mspm0-data-generated repo.
The generated PAC is available here in the mspm0-data-generated repo.
These are the data sources currently used.
- SysConfig metadata from Code Composer Studio
- Packages and package pinouts
- Mapping from GPIO pin to IOMUX::PINCM register.
- Peripheral PF (pin function) mappings.
- Peripheral pin names.
- mspm0-sdk header files
- Interrupt number, name
- Peripheral addresses
- mspm0 SVDs: register blocks
- Manually entered
- IIDX values for interrupts within a
- IIDX values for interrupts within a