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IGO Marketplace Login

Centralized CAS for IGO applications


After installing MongoDB and setting up the backend and frontend, the login application should be available at localhost:3000


cd igo-marketplace-login && npm install && npm run start


cd igo-marketplace-login-backend && npm install && npm run dev

If the login application is working correctly, you should be able to input your username & password.

The backend logs should look something like this,

{"message":"Authenticating user: streidd","level":"info","label":"Igo-Marketplace-Login"}
{"message":"Binding streidd to client","level":"info","label":"Igo-Marketplace-Login"}
{"message":"Successful Bind: streidd","level":"info","label":"Igo-Marketplace-Login"}
referral: ldaps://DomainDnsZones.MSKCC.ROOT.MSKCC.ORG/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=MSKCC,DC=ROOT,DC=MSKCC,DC=ORG
status: 0
status: 0
{"level":"info","message":"Updating user: streidd","label":"Igo-Marketplace-Login"}
{"message":"Regular update: streidd","level":"info","label":"Igo-Marketplace-Login"}
{"level":"info","message":"JWT Token Set: 1313 bytes. Sending successful login response for User: streidd","label":"Igo-Marketplace-Login"}



Deploy scripts will create a directory that can be deployed and served w/ npm run start


make ENV=qa HOST=dlviigoweb1 deploy


make ENV=prod HOST=plviigoweb1 deploy


  • This DELETES the existing application on the HOST specified. It then copies the packaged application scp'd to ~/deployments on the HOST to the new location.
  • Make sure your ~/deployments exists on that HOST!
  • The build script packages a built frontend application to the public dir of igo-marketplace-login-backend
  • make deploy is a Makefile command. If there are issues w/ this step, please review the deploy step of the Makefile
  • Expect to enter your password multiple times to scp the packaged application and remotely run the install script