package main
import (
bunadapter ""
func main() {
// Initialize a database connection (PostgreSQL in this example).
dbDSN := "postgresql://username:password@postgres:5432/database?sslmode=disable"
sqldb := sql.OpenDB(pgdriver.NewConnector(pgdriver.WithDSN(dbDSN)))
db := bun.NewDB(sqldb, pgdialect.New())
// Initialize an adapter.
// The adapter will use the Postgres database named "casbin" and a table named "casbin_rule".
// If it doesn't exist, the adapter will create it automatically.
a, _ := bunadapter.NewAdapter(db)
// Use the adapter when creating a new instance of an enforcer.
e := casbin.NewEnforcer("examples/rbac_model.conf", a)
// Load the policy from the DB.
// Check the permission.
e.Enforce("alice", "data1", "read")
// Modify the policy.
// e.AddPolicy(...)
// e.RemovePolicy(...)
// Save the policy back to the DB.
You can load a subset of policies with this adapter:
package main
import (
bunadapter ""
func main() {
db := bun.NewDB(...)
a, _ := bunadapter.NewAdapter(db)
e, _ := casbin.NewEnforcer("examples/rbac_model.conf", a)
P: []string{"", "data1"},
G: []string{"alice"},
This project is under Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.