A collection of Ember computed macros. All the macros are composable, meaning you can nest them to your heart's content, like so:
result: conditional(and(not('value1'), 'value2'), sum('value3', 1), collect('value4', toUpper('value5'))) // lisp much?
Arguments to macros can be:
- A string, in which case it references the name of a property whose value is used for the calculation
- A non-string value, in which case it is used as such
- A raw macro, which lets you use a string as the value without referencing a property
- Another macro
Examples of these different usages:
source1: 'my value',
source2: 2
value1: equal('source1', 'source2'), // false
value2: equal('source2', 2), // true
value3: equal('source1', raw('my value')) // true
value4: equal('source2', sum(1, 1)) // true
Two essential primitive macros come from a different addon: ember-macro-helpers
The API is not final until 1.0. I will be adding aliases as I think of better names for things, and possibly breaking or removing existing macros.
If you have any opinions or want a new macro added, just ask! Or feel free to submit a pull request.
ember install ember-awesome-macros
import nameOfMacro from 'ember-awesome-macros/name-of-macro';
// or
import { nameOfMacro } from 'ember-awesome-macros';
See [https://github.com/kellyselden/ember-macro-helpers#custom-macros].
alias for sum
same as Ember.computed.and
, but allows composing
source1: false,
source2: true,
source3: false,
value1: and('source1', 'source2', 'source3'), // false
value2: and(not('source1'), 'source2', not('source3')) // true
wraps Ember.Array.any
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([1, 2]),
value1: array.any('array', val => val === 2), // true
value2: array.any('array', val => val === 3) // false
wraps Ember.Array.compact
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([1, 2, null]),
value: array.compact('array') // [1, 2]
wraps Array.prototype.concat()
, allows composing
array1: Ember.A([1, 2]),
array2: Ember.A([3, 4]),
string: '3,4',
example: array.concat('array1', 'array2'), // [1, 2, 3, 4]
composingExample: array.concat('array1', split('string', raw(','))) // [1, 2, 3, 4]
wraps Ember.Array.every
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([1, 1]),
value1: array.every('array', val => val === 1), // true
value2: array.every('array', val => val === 2) // false
wraps Ember.Array.filterBy
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
key: 'test',
referenceValue: 1,
value1: array.filterBy('array', 'key', 2), // [{ test: 2 }]
value2: array.filterBy('array', raw('test'), 'referenceValue') // [{ test: 1 }]
wraps Ember.Array.filter
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
value: array.filter('array', item => item.test === 2) // [{ test: 2 }]
wraps Ember.Array.findBy
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
key: 'test',
referenceValue: 1,
value1: array.findBy('array', 'key', 2), // { test: 2 }
value2: array.findBy('array', raw('test'), 'referenceValue') // { test: 1 }
wraps Ember.Array.find
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
value: array.find('array', item => item.test === 2) // { test: 2 }
get the first item of an array
array: ['1', '2'],
string: '1, 2',
example: array.first('array'), // '1'
composingExample: array.first(split('string', raw(', '))) // '1'
allows to group an array of objects by key with an optional comparator
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1, name: 'foo'}, { test: 2, name: 'foo' }, { test: 1, name: 'bar' }]),
key: 'test',
value: array.groupBy('array', 'key')
key: 'test',
value: 1,
items: [{ test: 1 , name: 'foo' }, { test: 1 , name: 'bar' }]
key: 'test',
value: 2,
items: [{ test: 2 , name: 'foo' }]
The comparator is required if grouping by a key representing a complex object like Date
// Given two different objects that represent the same info
// today1 = new Date();
// today2 = new Date();
// randomDate = new Date(2017, 1, 1);
array: Ember.A([
{ test: 1 , date: today1 },
{ test: 2 , date: today2 },
{ test: 1 , date: randomDate }
key: 'date'
// without comparator
value1: array.groupBy('array', 'key'),
key: 'date',
value: today1,
items: [{ test: 1 , date: today1 }]
key: 'date',
value: today2,
items: [{ test: 2 , date: today2 }]
key: 'date',
value: randomDate,
items: [{ test: 1 , date: randomDate }]
// with comparator
value2: array.groupBy('array', 'key', (groupValue, currentValue) => {
return groupValue.getTime() === currentValue.getTime();
key: 'date',
value: today1,
items: [{ test: 1 , date: today1 }, { test: 2 , date: today2 }]
key: 'date',
value: randomDate,
items: [{ test: 1 , date: randomDate }]
implements Array.prototype.includes()
, allows composing
array: Ember.A(['my value 1', 'my value 2']),
source1: 'my value 2',
source2: 'my value 3',
value1: array.includes('array', 'source1'), // true
value2: array.includes('array', 'source2'), // false
value3: array.includes(collect(raw('my value 1'), raw('my value 2')), raw('my value 1')) // true
wraps Array.prototype.indexOf()
, allows composing
array: [2, 5, 9, 2],
referenceValue: 9,
value1: array.indexOf('array', 2), // 0
value2: array.indexOf('array', 2, 2), // 3
value3: array.indexOf('array', 'referenceValue') // 2
wraps Ember.Array.invoke()
, allows composing
array: [{
foo(arg) {
return 'bar-' + arg;
value1: array.invoke('array', 'foo', raw('baz')), // ['bar-baz']
value2: array.invoke('array', 'foo', 'arg'), // ['bar-hello']
value3: array.invoke('array', 'foo'), // ['bar-']
arg: 'hello'
wraps Ember.Enumerable.isAny
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
key: 'test',
value1: 2,
value2: 3,
result1: array.isAny('array', 'key', 'value1'), // true
result2: array.isAny('array', 'key', 'value2') // false
wraps Ember.Enumerable.isEvery
, allows composing
array1: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 1 }]),
key: 'test',
value1: 1,
value2: 2,
result1: array.isEvery('array', 'key', 'value1'), // true
result2: array.isEvery('array', 'key', 'value2') // false
wraps Array.prototype.join()
, allows composing
array: Ember.A(['1', '2']),
separator: ', ',
value1: array.join('values', 'separator'), // '1, 2'
value2: array.join(collect(raw('1'), raw('2')), raw(', ')) // '1, 2'
wraps Array.prototype.lastIndexOf()
, allows composing
array: [2, 5, 9, 2],
referenceValue: 9,
value1: array.lastIndexOf('array', 2), // 3
value2: array.lastIndexOf('array', 2, 2), // 0
value3: array.lastIndexOf('array', 'referenceValue') // 2
get the last item of an array
array: ['1', '2'],
string: '1, 2',
example: array.last('array'), // '2'
composingExample: array.last(split('string', raw(', '))) // '2'
wraps Array.prototype.length
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([1, 2]),
string: '1,2',
example: array.length('array'), // 2
composingExample: array.length(split('string', raw(','))) // 2
wraps Ember.Array.mapBy
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
key: 'test',
value: array.mapBy('array', 'key') // [1, 2]
wraps Ember.Array.map
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
value: array.map('array', item => item.test) // [1, 2]
wraps Ember.Array.objectAt
, allows composing
array: Ember.A(['my value']),
source1: 0,
source2: 1,
value1: array.objectAt('array', 'source1'), // 'my value'
value2: array.objectAt('array', 'source2'), // undefined
value3: array.objectAt(collect(raw('my value 1')), raw(0)) // 'my value'
wraps Array.prototype.reduce()
, allows composing
Your initial value must be a factory function if you plan to mutate it in the reduce, otherwise it would continually mutate the same object every recalculation. You can still pass an object, just be careful not to mutate it.
array: ['one', 'two'],
value1: array.reduce(
(obj, cur, i) => {
obj[cur] = i;
return obj;
// initial value is a factory function because we mutate the object
() => ({})
), // { one: 0, two: 1 }
string: 'one, two',
value2: array.reduce(
split('string', raw(', ')),
(arr, cur, i) => arr.concat(cur, i),
//initial value is an array because it is not mutated
) // ['one', 0, 'two', 1]
wraps Ember.Array.rejectBy
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]),
key: 'test',
value: array.rejectBy('array', 'key', 2) // [{ test: 1 }]
wraps Array.prototype.reverse()
(calls slice() first as to not mutate), allows composing
array: [1, 2, 3],
value1: array.reverse('array'), // [3, 2, 1]
value2: array.reverse(array.reverse('array')) // [1, 2, 3]
wraps Array.prototype.slice()
, allows composing
array: [1, 2, 3],
value1: array.slice('array', 1), // [2, 3]
value2: array.slice('array', difference('array.length', 1)) // [3]
combines the functionality of both Array.prototype.sort()
and Ember.computed.sort
array1: Ember.A(['xyz', 'abc']),
array2: Ember.A([{ key: 'abc' }, { key: 'xyz' }]),
value1: array.sort('array1'), // ['abc', 'xyz']
value2: array.sort('array2', ['key:desc']), // [{ key: 'xyz' }, { key: 'abc' }]
value3: array.sort('array2', (a, b) => a.key < b.key), // [{ key: 'xyz' }, { key: 'abc' }]
wraps Ember.Array.uniqBy
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }, { test: 2 }]),
key: 'test',
value: array.uniqBy('array', 'key') // [{ test: 1 }, { test: 2 }]
wraps Ember.Array.uniq
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([1, 2, 2]),
value: array.uniq('array') // [1, 2]
wraps Ember.Enumerable.without
, allows composing
array: Ember.A([1, 2, 3]),
referenceValue: 3,
value1: array.without('array', 'referenceValue'), // [1, 2]
value2: array.without('array', 2), // [1, 3]
value3: array.without('array', array.objectAt(1)) // [1, 3]
same as Ember.computed.collect
, but allows composing
source1: 'my value 1',
source2: 'my value 2',
value: collect('source1', collect('source2')) // ['my value 1', ['my value 2']]
implements the ternary operator, allows composing
condition1: true,
condition2: false,
expr1: 'my value 1',
expr2: 'my value 2',
value1: conditional('condition1', 'expr1', 'expr2'), // 'my value 1'
value2: conditional('condition2', 'expr1', 'expr2'), // 'my value 2'
value3: conditional(or('condition1', 'condition2'), raw('my value 1'), raw('my value 2')) // 'my value 1'
true if source is undefined
source1: undefined,
source2: false,
source3: 'my value',
value1: defaultTrue('source1'), // true
value2: defaultTrue('source2'), // false
value3: defaultTrue('source3') // 'my value'
subtracts numbers
source1: 3,
source2: 2,
source3: 1,
value1: difference('source1', 'source2', 'source3'), // 0
value2: difference('source1', collect('source2', 'source3')) // 2
alias for quotient
alias for equal
like Ember.computed.equal
, but uses dependent properties on both sides. allows N number of arguments.
source1: 'my value',
source2: 'my other value',
source3: 'my value',
value1: equal('source1', 'source2'), // false
value2: equal('source1', 'source3'), // true
value3: equal('source1', 'source2', 'source3') // false
get a variable property name from an object
key: 'modelProperty',
model: {
modelProperty: 'my value'
value1: getBy('model', 'key'), // 'my value'
value2: getBy('model', raw('modelProperty')) // 'my value'
like Ember.computed.gt
, but uses dependent properties on both sides
and allows composing
source1: 1,
source2: 2,
source3: 1,
value1: gt('source1', 'source2'), // false
value2: gt('source1', 'source3'), // false
value3: gt('source2', 'source3') // true
like Ember.computed.gte
, but uses dependent properties on both sides
and allows composing
source1: 1,
source2: 2,
source3: 1,
value1: gte('source1', 'source2'), // false
value2: gte('source1', 'source3'), // true
value3: gte('source2', 'source3') // true
build a hash out of computed properties, allows composing
source1: 'my value 1',
source2: 'my value 2',
value1: hash({
prop1: 'source1',
prop2: hash({
prop: 'source2'
}), // { prop1: 'my value 1', prop2: { prop: 'my value 2' } }
// you can also build the hash using property key names
value2: hash('source1', 'source2'), // { source1: 'my value 1', source2: 'my value 2' }
// or you can mix and match, the result will be merged
value3: hash('source1', { prop2: 'source2' }) // { source1: 'my value 1', prop2: 'my value 2' }
wraps instanceof
key1: {},
key2: false,
key3: '',
value1: instanceOf('key1', Object), // true
value2: instanceOf(or('key2', 'key3'), String) // true
like Ember.computed.lt
, but uses dependent properties on both sides
and allows composing
source1: 1,
source2: 2,
source3: 1,
value1: lt('source1', 'source2'), // true
value2: lt('source1', 'source3'), // false
value3: lt('source2', 'source3') // false
like Ember.computed.lte
, but uses dependent properties on both sides
and allows composing
source1: 1,
source2: 2,
source3: 1,
value1: lte('source1', 'source2'), // true
value2: lte('source1', 'source3'), // true
value3: lte('source2', 'source3') // false
exposes all Math
source1: 2.2,
source2: 2.7,
value1: math.ceil('source1'), // 3
value2: math.floor(sum('source1', 'source2')) // 4
the modulus operator
number1: 123,
number2: 45,
example: mod('number1', 'number2'), // 33
composingExample: mod(sum('number1', 'number2'), 39) // 12
alias for product
alias for notEqual
same as Ember.computed.not
, but allows composing
source1: true,
source2: false,
value1: not('source1'), // false
value2: not(and('source1', 'source2')) // true
the inverse of equal
, allows composing
source1: 'my value',
source2: 'my other value',
source3: 'my value',
value1: notEqual('source1', 'source2'), // true
value2: notEqual('source1', 'source3'), // false
value3: notEqual('source1', 'source2', 'source3') // true
same as Ember.computed.or
, but allows composing
source1: true,
source2: false,
source3: true,
value1: or('source1', 'source2', 'source3'), // true
value2: or(not('source1'), 'source2', not('source3')) // false
wraps parseFloat
, allows composing
string1: '12.34',
string2: '12',
string3: '34',
example: parseFloat('string1'), // 12.34
composingExample: parseFloat(tag`${'string2'}.${'string3'}`) // 12.34
wraps parseInt
, allows composing
string: '123',
example: parseInt('string'), // 123
composingExample: parseInt(substr('string', 1), 8) // 19
multiplies numbers
source1: 1,
source2: 2,
source3: 3,
value1: product('source1', 'source2', 'source3'), // 6
value2: product('source1', collect('source2', 'source3')) // 6
combines promises using RSVP.all
promise1: computed(function() {
return RSVP.resolve('value1');
promise2: computed(function() {
return RSVP.resolve('value2');
promise: promise.all('promise1', 'promise2') // resolves to ['value1', 'value2']
wraps a promise in the equivalent of DS.PromiseArray
and PromiseProxyMixin
productsPromise: computed(function() {
return this.store.findAll('product');
products: promise.array('productsPromise')
can also wrap a computed property
products: promise.array(computed(function() {
return this.store.findAll('product');
combines promises using RSVP.hash
promise1: computed(function() {
return RSVP.resolve('value1');
promise2: computed(function() {
return RSVP.resolve('value2');
promise: promise.hash('promise1', 'promise2') // resolves to { promise1: 'value1', promise2: 'value2' }
wraps a promise in the equivalent of DS.PromiseObject
and PromiseProxyMixin
productPromise: computed(function() {
return this.store.findRecord('product', 1);
product: promise.object('productPromise')
can also wrap a computed property
product: promise.object(computed(function() {
return this.store.findRecord('product', 1);
wraps a value in an RSVP.resolve
key1: 'my value',
promise1: promise.resolve('key1'), // a resolved promise if you need it
key2: computed(function() {
return this.store.findRecord('user');
promise2: promise.resolve(conditional('someBool', 'key1', 'key2')) // resolve an object if you don't know if it is a promise or not
calls .then()
on a promise and then .get
on the result
key: 'firstName',
userPromise: computed(function() {
return this.store.findRecord('user'); // { firstName: 'Mary' }
firstName: promise.then('userPromise', 'key') // 'Mary'
divides numbers
source1: 3,
source2: 2,
source3: 1,
value1: quotient('source1', 'source2', 'source3'), // 1.5
value2: quotient('source1', collect('source2', 'source3')) // 1.5
wraps Ember.String.camelize
, allows composing
originalValue: 'test-string',
newValue: string.camelize('originalValue') // 'testString'
wraps Ember.String.capitalize
, allows composing
originalValue: 'test string',
newValue: string.capitalize('originalValue') // 'Test string'
wraps Ember.String.classify
, allows composing
originalValue: 'test string',
newValue: string.classify('originalValue') // 'TestString'
wraps Ember.String.dasherize
, allows composing
originalValue: 'TestString',
newValue: string.dasherize('originalValue') // 'test-string'
wraps Ember.String.decamelize
, allows composing
originalValue: 'TestString',
newValue: string.decamelize('originalValue') // 'test_string'
wraps Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression
, allows composing
originalValue: '<input>',
newValue: string.escapeExpression('originalValue') // '<input>'
wraps Ember.String.htmlSafe
, allows composing
originalValue: '<input>',
newValue: string.htmlSafe('originalValue') // will not be escaped
wraps String.prototype.indexOf()
, allows composing
string: '121',
value: '1',
example: string.indexOf('string', 'value'), // 0
composingExample: string.indexOf(substr('string', 1), raw('1')) // 1
wraps Ember.String.isHTMLSafe
, allows composing
source1: '<input>',
source2: string.htmlSafe('<input>'),
value1: string.isHtmlSafe('source1'), // false
value2: string.isHtmlSafe('source2') // true
wraps String.prototype.lastIndexOf()
, allows composing
string: '121',
value: '1',
example: string.lastIndexOf('string', 'value'), // 2
composingExample: string.lastIndexOf(substr('string', 0, 2), raw('1')) // 0
wraps String.prototype.length
, allows composing
string1: 'abc',
string2: 'xyz',
example: string.length('string1'), // 3
composingExample: string.length(tag`${'string1'}${'string2'}`) // 6
wraps String.prototype.match
, allows composing
string1: 'abc',
string2: 'xyz',
regex1: /abc/,
regex2: /xyz/,
example: string.match('string1', 'regex1'), // ['abc']
example: string.match('string1', 'regex2'), // null
composingExample: string.match(tag`${'string1'}${'string2'}`, 'regex2') // ['xyz']
wraps String.prototype.replace
, allows composing
string: 'abc',
substr: 'bc',
newSubstr: 'cb',
value1: string.replace('string', 'substr', 'newSubstr'), // 'acb'
value2: string.replace('source', 'substr', string.toUpper('newSubstr')) // 'aCB'
wraps String.prototype.split
, allows composing
source: 'val1,val2',
key: ',',
value1: string.split('source', 'key'), // ['val1', 'val2']
value2: string.split('source', raw(',')) // ['val1', 'val2']
wraps String.prototype.substr()
, allows composing
string1: 'abcxyz',
string2: 'abc',
string3: 'xyz',
example: string.substr('string1', 2, 2), // 'cx'
composingExample: string.substr(tag`${'string2'}${'string3'}`, 2, 2) // 'cx'
wraps String.prototype.substring()
, allows composing
string1: 'abcxyz',
string2: 'abc',
string3: 'xyz',
example: string.substring('string1', 2, 4), // 'cx'
composingExample: string.substring(tag`${'string2'}${'string3'}`, 2, 4) // 'cx'
capitalizes words, allows composing
originalValue: 'james mcAvoy',
newValue: string.titleize('originalValue') // 'James Mcavoy'
wraps String.prototype.toLowerCase()
, allows composing
originalValue: 'TestString',
newValue: string.toLower('originalValue') // 'teststring'
wraps String.prototype.toUpperCase()
, allows composing
originalValue: 'TestString',
newValue: string.toUpper('originalValue') // 'TESTSTRING'
wraps String.prototype.trim()
, allows composing
originalValue: ' TestString ',
newValue: string.trim('originalValue') // 'TestString'
wraps Ember.String.underscore
, allows composing
originalValue: 'TestString',
newValue: string.underscore('originalValue') // 'test_string'
alias for difference
adds numbers
source1: 1,
source2: 2,
source3: 3,
value1: sum('source1', 'source2', 'source3'), // 6
value2: sum('source1', collect('source2', 'source3')) // 6
use a tagged template literal as a computed macro, allows composing
source: 'two',
value1: tag`one ${'source'} three`, // 'one two three'
value2: tag`one ${toUpper('source')} three` // 'one TWO three'
calls toString
with args on whatever you provide
key1: {},
key2: 253,
key3: 254,
value1: toStr('key1'), // '[object Object]'
value2: toStr(math.max('key2', 'key3'), 16) // 'fe'
alias for toStr
The toString
name conflicts with window.toString
and breaks Babel, which means you need to do something like this:
import { toString as toStr } from 'ember-awesome-macros';
That's why we provide the toStr
wraps typeOf
key1: {},
key2: false,
key3: '',
value1: typeOf('key1'), // 'object'
value2: typeOf(or('key2', 'key3')) // 'string'
macro version of {{unless}}
and the inverse of conditional
, allows composing
condition1: false,
condition2: true,
expr1: 'my value 1',
expr2: 'my value 2',
value1: unless('condition1', 'expr1', 'expr2'), // 'my value 1'
value2: unless('condition2', 'expr1', 'expr2'), // 'my value 2'
value3: unless(and('condition1', 'condition2'), raw('my value 1'), raw('my value 2')) // 'my value 1'
git clone <repository-url>
cd ember-awesome-macros
npm install
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js -- --fix
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
ember serve
- Visit the dummy application at http://localhost:4200.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.