The list of components is still being updated and may not be entirely complete (some smaller components were spontanously sourced from our lab). Please also check the attached Excel file for more detailed parts information
- 3D-printed parts from provided STL model (
- Requires high accuracy 3D printer (e.g., Statasys F370)
Costs for 3D-printing of all needed parts are signficiant (~ $8k)
- 1000x N40UH magnets, 12.7 x 12.7 x 12.7 mm (source: BINIC MAGNET Co.,
- 300x N40UH magnets for passive shim, 3mm (source: BINIC MAGNET Co.,
- Plastic and brass screws to combine magnet rings and attach housing
- 3D CNC rail set up (3x 30 cm linear CNC stages attached perpendicularly, brand: FUYU (FSK40F300 B57), stroke: 300mm, accuracy: 0.02 mm, max. horizontal load 25 kg, source: Amazon)
- Arduino UNO Rev3 (
- Arduino gShield (
- Hall probe (Metrolab THM1176 used here, USB connection,
- Rod for connecting Hall probe to guide
- Control computer (Ubuntu 20.04 / Windows 10 or 11)
- Field mapping software (
- 3D-printed wire holders with imprints
- Enameled copper wire for gradients (15 AWG, e.g. EMTEL High Temperature Copper Wire Up To 220 Celsius, MW 37-C/IEC 60317-13)
- Superglue, epoxy, Kapton tape
- Gradient Power Amplifier GPA-FHDO (
- DAC-Hat for Red Pitaya board (TODO: add source)
- Powersupply for GPA, needs DC 15V and 40A (e.g. Rohde & Schwarz HMP4040 for ~ 3k, or TekPower TP1560E DC for ~ $400)
- DC feedthrough capacitor for filtering gradient waveforms (6x Schaffner FN7563-63-M6,
- Inductors for filtering gradient waveforms (6x 4044-CPER3231-101MC-ND,
- Holder for filter capacitors (e.g., fabricated from aluminium plate)
- Depending on local power quality: Power conditioner (e.g., Furman Elite-15i)
- 3D-printed holder with imprint for wire position
- Litz wire for RF coil (1725/48 AWG, 60 feet, eBay offer)
- RF preamp (NF Corporation, preamp 0.5dB,
- Power supply for RF preamp DC, 15V 2A (e.g., Agilent E3610A)
- Directional Coupler ZABDC50-51HP+ (
- RF power amplifier: The scanner currently uses a commercial RFPA (TOMCO BT00250-AlphaS). See attached Excel file for components for the custom-built RFPA.
- Red Pitaya SDRLab 122-16 (
- Computer with Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS (e.g., Dell Optiplex 7010 Micro)
- Additional USB ethernet interface to have two connections for Red Pitaya and local network (allowing remote access)
- Console software ( -- see instructions in Wiki)
- Silicone tube (1/4 inch outer diameter) & heat exchanger for cooling system (e.g., or similar)
- Movable cart for scanner and support hardware (e.g.,
- Terminal kit with crimp tool (source: Digikey)
The active shim coil has been built during the hackathon, but has not yet been integrated into the scanner yet.
- 30 active shim coils, mounted on plexiglas cylinder
- RF shield glued to inside of plexiglas cylinder
- Controllable 30-channel amplifier for adjusting shim currents