This is an Ethereum Solidity compiler image, allowing you to compile contracts on any platform that supports Docker.
Pull the image from docker registry:
docker pull mrhornsby/solc:latest
(If you don't do this it will be done on demand when you execute the run command below).
Alternatively you can build the image locally:
git clone cd solc docker build --tag="<your_tag_here>"
To invoke the solidity compiler, solc, you can simply run the container:
docker run mrhornsby/solc:latest
(Note: This will print the standard usage instructions)
To compile a contract you will need to mount a volume that contains your contract source files and where the output files can be written. Assuming you have a directory called solidity in your home directory that has a contracts and an output sub-directory:
docker run -v ~/solidity:/solidity mrhornsby/solc:latest -o /solidity/output --abi --bin /solidity/contracts/<yoursoliditycontract>.sol
(Note: This will output both the ABI and the contract binary in hex, feel free to select other options as required)