Mapping with Softbank's Pepper platform using fake laserscan and gmapping.
This work was created during a semester for the course 'Point of Sales Robotics' at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
The source code is released under a GNU General Public License, Version 3.
Author(s): Mirko Reimbold
This package has been tested under ROS Kinetic Kame and Ubuntu 16.04.
In order to use this package please follow this tutorial to setup your Pepper platform properly.
As we use Pepper's depth camera you have to calibrate it, to do so you can follow this tutorial.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
source ../devel/setup.bash
rosdep install pepper_mapping
Starting the bridge on Pepper
roslaunch pepper_bringup pepper_full.launch nao_ip:=<yourRobotIP> roscore_ip:=<roscore_ip> [network_interface:=<eth0|wlan0|vpn0>]
Run the main node with
roslaunch pepper_mapping pepper_mapping.launch
Run RViz to see the laser scan and the created 2D Map with
roslaunch pepper_mapping pepper_mapping_rviz.launch
- Robot Operating System (ROS) (middleware for robotics),
- naoqi_driver (c++ bridge based on libqi)
- depth_image_proc (ROS Package to process depth images),
- pointcloud_to_laserscan (ROS Package to convert 3D Point Cloud to 2D laser scans),
- gmapping (ROS Package to provide laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping))