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Issues: mozilla/mig

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Move all documentation over to markdown D-Easy Difficulty: Issues that should be relatively easy to resolve E-Mentor Call for participation: Issues that have mentors available MIG-Documentation Component: Issues concerning documentation P-Low Priority: Issues that can afford to be resolved when it is convenient to do so
#470 opened Oct 3, 2018 by chaoticsmol
Kubernetes agent deployment
#461 opened Aug 16, 2018 by jgmize
x509 Module C-Module Category: Issues containing new module requests MIG-Agent Component: Issues concerning the MIG Agent P-Moderate Priority: Issues that require attention after major milestones are taken care of
#459 opened Aug 3, 2018 by chaoticsmol
Add options for gathering LLDP information via the netstat module C-Feature Category: Issues containing feature requests that aren't modules MIG-Agent Component: Issues concerning the MIG Agent
#458 opened Aug 3, 2018 by chaoticsmol
Implement API endpoint to retrieve module documentation C-Feature Category: Issues containing feature requests that aren't modules D-Easy Difficulty: Issues that should be relatively easy to resolve E-Mentor Call for participation: Issues that have mentors available MIG-Client Component: Issues concerning the MIG clients P-Low Priority: Issues that can afford to be resolved when it is convenient to do so
#444 opened Apr 18, 2018 by chaoticsmol MIG Client Daemon Phase 1
Implement API endpoint for documentation retrieval C-Feature Category: Issues containing feature requests that aren't modules D-Easy Difficulty: Issues that should be relatively easy to resolve E-Mentor Call for participation: Issues that have mentors available MIG-Client Component: Issues concerning the MIG clients P-Low Priority: Issues that can afford to be resolved when it is convenient to do so
#443 opened Apr 18, 2018 by chaoticsmol MIG Client Daemon Phase 1
Cannot get help for fswatch module
#435 opened Feb 26, 2018 by chaoticsmol
Outdated docs: available_modules.go
#429 opened Jan 31, 2018 by kpcyrd
Edit and list investigators
#426 opened Jan 30, 2018 by kpcyrd
Find pending security updates
#425 opened Jan 20, 2018 by kpcyrd
Please tag releases
#421 opened Jan 16, 2018 by kpcyrd
Not valid HTML -
#417 opened Dec 8, 2017 by SCMGuruLLC
Dead link -
#414 opened Dec 8, 2017 by SCMGuruLLC
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