Table of Contents
- 1 File module
- 1.1 Find files in /etc/cron.d that contain "mysql://" on hosts "buildbot"
- 1.2 Find files /etc/passwd that have been modified in the past 2 days
- 1.3 Find endpoints with high uptime
- 1.4 Find endpoints running process "/sbin/auditd"
- 1.5 Find which machines have a specific USB device connected
- 1.6 Find "authorized_keys" files with unknown pubkeys
- 1.7 Find if a user is currently running any process (or is connected)
- 2 Netstat module
- 3 Ping module
- 4 pkg module
- 5 Timedrift module
- 6 Advanced targeting
- 7 Directly invoking the mig-agent
This is a list of common operations you may want to run with MIG.
All examples use the MIG command line cli. You can run the examples on your local machine by specifying -t local. The local target invokes MIG modules in the cli instead of calling mig-agent like a normal investigation would.
You may see some other values for -t here, which are forms of targeting strings. See the relevent section in the configuration guide for information on setting up targeting strings and macros.
You can find detailed documentation by running mig file help or in the online doc at ../modules/file/doc.rst.
This is a simple file content check that looks into all the files contained in /etc/cron.d for a string that matched mysql://.
mig file -t "environment->>'os'='linux' AND name LIKE '%buildbot%'" -path /etc/cron.d/ -content "mysql://"
The mtime check of the file module matches against the last modified timestamp of a file.
mig file -t "environment->>'os'='linux'" -path /etc/passwd -mtime <2d
On Linux and MacOS, the uptime of a host is kept in /proc/uptime. We can apply a regex on that file to list hosts with an uptime larger or lower than any amount.
Note the search target that uses postgres's regex format ~*.
mig file -t "environment->>'os' IN ('linux', 'darwin')" -path /proc/uptime -content "^[5-9]{1}[0-9]{7,}\\."
Here, the '^' in the content regex is important to prevent mig from listing itself while searching for the command line.
mig file -t all -path /proc/ -name cmdline -content "^/sbin/auditd"
Another option, if using '^' is not possible, is to enclose one of the letter of the process name into brackets:
$ mig file -t "tags->>'operator'='IT'" -path /proc -name "^cmdline$" -maxdepth 2 -content "[a]rcsight"
In this example, we'll look for the CryptoStick USB device (vendor:product 20a0:4107). You can find more device id's with the command lsusb.
mig file -t all -matchany -path /sys/devices/ -name "^uevent$" -content "PRODUCT=20a0/4107"
If you know which keys should be present in an authorized_keys file, the file module can be used to find file that have extra, unknown, keys.
The first thing needed is a regex with the list of valid public keys. The regex will also accept any line that starts with a comment character # or empty lines.
One important thing to note is that public keys are base64 encoded and contain slashes "/" and pluses "+" that conflict with Go's regex format. Those need to be escaped prior to being passed to MIG.
echo $PUBKEY | sed "s;\/;\\\/;g" | sed "s;\+;\\\+;g"
A valid pubkey regex could be:
"^((#.+)|(\s+)?|(ssh-rsa AAAAB3NznoMzq\+2r2Vx2bhFWMU3Uuid 1061157)|(ssh-rsa AAYWH\+0XAASw== ffxbld_rsa))$"
We can require that this regex must match every line of a file using the -macroal parameter, which stand for "Match All Content Regexes On All Lines".
Then, using the -mismatch content option, we can ask the file module to return the files that don't conform to the regex. The combination of the content regex, the macroal option and the -mismatch content option together will return files that have unknown keys.
mig file -t all -path /home -path /root -name "^authorized_keys" \
-content "^((#.+)|(\s+)?|(ssh-rsa AAAAB3NznoMzq\+2r2Vx2bhFWMU3Uuid 1061157)|(ssh-rsa AAYWH\+0XAASw== ffxbld_rsa))$" \
-macroal -mismatch content
If you know the UID of a user, you can check if he has any process running. Additionally, this means that you can find out if he's connected as well, with the same command. In this example 1663 is the UID of the user we're looking for.
mig file -t myservers -path /proc/ -maxdepth 2 -name "^status$" -content "^Uid:\s+(1664)\s+"
You can find detailed documentation by running mig netstat help or in the online doc at ../modules/netstat/doc.rst.
Given an ip associated with fraudulent traffic, we can use the netstat module to verify that the IP isn't currently connected to any endpoint.
mig netstat -t all -ci
-ci stands for connected IP, and accepts an IP or a CIDR, in v4 or v6.
MIG netstat can be used to find endpoints that have a given mac address in their arp tables, which helps geographically locating an endpoint.
mig netstat -t all -nm 8c:70:5a:c8:be:50
-nm stands for neighbor mac and takes a regex (ex: ^8c:70:[0-9a-f]).
The search below tells the netstat module to capture all connections with one IP in a public CIDR. The list of CIDR is rather long, because it avoid private CIDR (the netstat module doesn't have an exclude option).
mig netstat -t all -e 60s -ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci -ci \
-ci -ci -ci
Testing reachability of over HTTP can be done using the ping module.
$ mig ping -t "name LIKE '%phx1%'" -d -dp 80 -p tcp
Need to find which endpoints cannot connect to some destination? ICMP Ping is a pretty good way to get that data. Make sure to adapt the show parameter to list endpoints that have failed the ping.
$ mig ping -t "name LIKE '%scl3%'" -show notfound -d -p icmp
The pkg module can be used to identify versions of software installed on various agent systems. This module integrates with the OS package manager.
$ mig pkg -t all -name 'nginx'
4 agents will be targeted. ctrl+c to cancel. launching in 5 4 3 2 1 GO
host1 pkgmatch name=nginx version=1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 type=dpkg arch=all
host1 pkgmatch name=nginx-common version=1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 type=dpkg arch=all
host1 pkgmatch name=nginx-core version=1.10.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 type=dpkg arch=amd64
1 agents have found results
The timedrift module is fairly basic: it retrieves localtime and compares it to NTP time if asked to check for drift. As such, it only takes a single parameter to evaluate drift from network time.
$ mig timedrift -drift 60s
1402 agents will be targeted. ctrl+c to cancel. launching in 5 4 3 2 1 GO
Following action ID 1428420741979034880.
status=inflight...55% ...66% ...67% ......89% ..89% ...89% ......90% ..90% ......90% ...90% ..90% ...^Cstop following action. agents may still be running. printing available results: local time is 2015-04-07T15:35:00.768951216Z local time is out of sync from NTP servers Local time is ahead of ntp host by 3m2.660981781s
1 agents have found results
MIG can use complex queries to target specific agents. The following examples outline some of the capabilities. At the core, the target parameter is just a WHERE condition executed against the agent table of the MIG database, so if you know the DB schema, you can craft any targetting you want.
mig=> \d agents Table "public.agents" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------+--------------------------+----------- id | numeric | not null name | character varying(2048) | not null queueloc | character varying(2048) | not null mode | character varying(2048) | not null version | character varying(2048) | not null pid | integer | not null status | character varying(255) | environment | json | tags | json | starttime | timestamp with time zone | not null destructiontime | timestamp with time zone | heartbeattime | timestamp with time zone | not null
- id is the numerical unique ID of the agent
- name is a string containing the agent hostname (fqdn)
- queueloc is the name of the agent queue on rabbitmq
- mode is either daemon or checkin and represents the mode the agent runs as
- version is the agent version in the form <YYYY-MM-DD>-<commit hash>
- pid is the PID of the agent's main process
- status is one of online, idle or offline
- environment is a JSON document that contains information about the system the agent runs on. See below.
- tags is a JSON document that contains specific tags defined by the MIG platform administrator. This can be used to identify the business unit an agent runs on, or anything that helps targetting. It need to be defined at agent's compile time.
- starttime, heartbeattime and destructiontime are timestamps
During startup, the agent retrieves some amount of information about the host it runs on. That information is stored in the environment column of the agent table, and can be used to target specific agents. Below is a typical environment set by a Linux agent:
"init": "upstart",
"ident": "Debian testing-updates sid",
"os": "linux",
"arch": "amd64",
"isproxied": false,
"addresses": [
"publicip": ""
Using Postgres's JSON querying support, we can build targets using specific fields of the environment columns. For example, this is how we target Linux systems only:
$ mig file -t "environment->>'os'='linux'" ...
mig-agent-search is a small client that lists agents based on a query. It is useful to test target queries before using them live. You can obtain it via go get
$ mig-agent-search -t "tags->>'operator'='opsec' AND environment->>'os'='linux' AND mode='daemon' AND status='online' AND name like 'mig-api%'"
name; id; status; version; mode; os; arch; pid; starttime; heartbeattime; operator; ident; publicip; addresses
""; "4892412351434"; "online"; ""; "daemon"; "linux"; "amd64"; "20024"; "2015-09-10T19:00:05Z"; "2015-09-10T21:17:05Z"; "opsec"; "Ubuntu 14.04 trusty"; ""; "[ fe80::c6d:44ff:fead:edd9/64]"
""; "4892412350962"; "online"; ""; "daemon"; "linux"; "amd64"; "17967"; "2015-09-10T19:00:03Z"; "2015-09-10T21:18:03Z"; "opsec"; "Ubuntu 14.04 trusty"; ""; "[ fe80::107e:4fff:fe5c:97e5/64]"
Useful to run a second action on the agents that returned positive results in a first one. The query is a bit complex because it uses Postgres JSON array processing.
Given an action with ID 12345 that was run and returned results, we want to run a new action on the agents that matched action 12345. To do so, use the target that follows:
mig file -t "id IN ( \
SELECT agentid FROM commands, json_array_elements(commands.results) AS r \
WHERE commands.actionid = 12345 AND r#>>'{foundanything}' = 'true')" \
-path /etc/passwd -content "^spongebob"
The subquery select command results for action 12345 and return the ID of agents that have at least one foundanything set to true. Since command results are an array, and each entry of the array contains a foundanything value, the query iterates through each entry of the array using postgres's json_array_elements function.
In order to test queries locally, you may want to run them directly against a local agent. The agent takes input parameters from a JSON action file or alternatively from stdin.
For example, to match a md5 of inside of /usr/bin, you could run:
mig-agent -m file -d <<<
; echo