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ForgJs is a javascript lightweight object validator. Go check the Quick start section and start coding with love


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This branch is 3 commits ahead of, 12 commits behind oussamahamdaoui/forgJs:master.

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201a214 · Dec 13, 2019
Dec 3, 2018
Dec 13, 2019
Jan 27, 2019
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Dec 13, 2019
Dec 12, 2019
Dec 3, 2018
Jul 19, 2019
Jan 25, 2019
Nov 24, 2018
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Feb 13, 2019
Nov 28, 2018
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Dec 12, 2019
Nov 27, 2018
Nov 30, 2018
Nov 22, 2019
Nov 22, 2019

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Hey every one im really happy that this repo reached this many stars 🎉,but this repo needs your contibution

I started to better document the code there is an open issue on that, the main goal is to make it more accessible to other developpers who want to contribute, i'm still the main maintainer of this project and i'm calling for your help to make this code better so if any of you want to contribute and you have a good idea of how to make this better please feel free to open an issue or a pull request. here is the full documentation (work in preogress):

Thank you! and dont forget code with love ❤️

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ForgJs is a JavaScript lightweight object validator. Go check the Quick start section and start coding with love ❤️





See more live examples here

Quick start

Install it via npm by running npm i @cesium133/forgjs

Your first validator

  const { Validator, Rule } = require('@cesium133/forgjs');

const emailRule = new Rule({
    type: 'email',
    user: user => user === 'dedede',
    domain: domain => ['outlook', 'gmail', 'yahoo'].indexOf(domain) !== -1,
}, null);

const passwordRule = new Rule({
    type: 'password',
    minLength: 8,
    uppercase: 1,
    numbers: 1,
    matchesOneOf: ['@', '_', '-', '.', '!'],
}, null);

const vComplex = new Validator({
    age: new Rule({ type: 'int', min: 18, max: 99 }),
    dateOfBirth: new Rule({ type: 'date' }),
    array: new Rule({ type: 'array', of: new Rule({ type: 'string' }) }),
    email: emailRule,
    password: passwordRule

    age: 26,
    dateOfBirth: new Date(1995, 10, 3),
    array: ['1'],
    email: '[email protected];',
    password: 'ad1_A@@Axs',
}); /// returns true

Error handling

You can get custom error messages by doing this:

const vComplexe = new Validator({
    age: new Rule({
      type: 'int', min: 18, max: 99,
    }, 'age must be integer and between 18 and 99'),
    dateOfBirth: new Rule({ type: 'date' }, 'date must be a date'),

    age: 16,
    dateOfBirth: 123,
  }); // ['age must be integer and between 18 and 99', 'date must be a date']

Test over an array

You can test over multiple arrays using this method:

const vComplexe = new Validator({
    age: new Rule({
      type: 'int', min: 18, max: 99,

    age: 19,
  }, {
    age: 16,
  }]);  // returns 1


A Rule object validates a single value, it can be used like this:

  const { Validator, Rule } = require('@cesium133/forgjs');
  const floatRule = new Rule({
    type: 'float',
    min: 100,
  }, null);

  floatRule.test(2.001); /// returns true;

The only required value is type!

You can make a rule by simply passing a string if you only need to check the type : new Rule('int');


  • min (int)
  • max (int)
  • equal (int)


  • toBe (boolean)


  • minLength (int)
  • maxLength (int)
  • equal (string)
  • match: (regex)
  • notEmpty (bool)
  • isEmpty (bool)


  • minLength (int)
  • maxLength (int)
  • equal (string)
  • match: (regex)
  • notEmpty (bool)
  • isEmpty (bool)
  • user (function(user))
  • domain (function(domain))
  const emailRule = new Rule({
    type: 'email',
    user: user => user === 'dedede',
    domain: domain => ['outlook', 'gmail', 'yahoo'].indexOf(domain) !== -1,
  }, null);

  emailRule.test('[email protected]'); // returns true


  • minLength (int)
  • maxLength (int)
  • equal (string)
  • match: (regex)
  • notEmpty (bool)
  • isEmpty (bool)
  • uppercase (int)
  • number (int)
  • mathesOneOf (Array)
  • matchesAllOf (Array)
  const passwordRule = new Rule({
    type: 'password',
    minLength: 8,
    uppercase: 1,
    numbers: 1,
    matchesOneOf: ['@', '_', '-', '.', '!'],
  }, null);

  passwordRule.test('@_-bddcd6A'); // returns true


  • minLength (int)
  • maxLength (int)
  • equal (string)
  • match: (regex)
  • notEmpty (bool)
  • isEmpty (bool)
  • protocol (function(protocol))
  • domain (function(domain))
  const urlRule = new Rule({
    type: 'url',
    protocol: prot => prot === 'https',
    domain: domain => domain === '',
  }, null);

  urlRule.test(''); // returns true


  • after (date)
  • before (date)
  • between (Array of dates like this [date, date])
  • equal (date)


  • min (Number)
  • max (Number)
  • equal (float)


  • of (Rule or Validator object)
  • notEmpty (bool)
  • isEmpty (bool)
  • length (int)

The of rule checks every element of the array against the rule.


  • result

To explain result, what's better than an example:

  const { Validator, Rule } = require('@cesium133/forgjs');

  function someFunctionThatReturnsAnInt(int) {
    return int * 5;

  const functionTest = new Rule({
    type: 'function',
    result: {
      of: 5,
      toBe: new Rule('int'),
  }, null);

  functionTest.test(someFunctionThatReturnsAnInt); /// returns true;

string-int, string-float, string-date, string-boolean

These types 'inherit' from string, they have both the properties, here are some examples:


const stringInt = new Rule({
  type: 'string-int',
  minLength: 2,
  min: 5,
}, null);

stringInt.test(2) // returns false 2 is not a string
stringInt.test('2a') // returns false '2a' is not a int
stringInt.test('2.1') // returns false '2.1' is not a int
stringInt.test('5') // returns false length of '5' is smaller than 2
stringInt.test('50') // returns true


const stringBoolean = new Rule({
  type: 'string-boolean',
  toBe: true
}, null);

stringBoolean.test(true) // returns false true is not a boolean
stringBoolean.test('false') // returns false 'false' is not true
stringBoolean.test('true') // returns true
const stringDate = new Rule({
  type: 'string-date',
  after: new Date(2019, 11, 1),
}, null);

stringDate.test(new Date(2018, 11, 1)) // returns false new Date(2018, 11, 1) is not a string
stringDate.test('some string') // returns false 'some string' is not a valid date
stringDate.test('2018-12-17') // returns false '2018-12-17' is not after new Date(2019, 11, 1)
stringDate.test('2020-01-01') // returns true

Forgjs tries to cast the value to the right type before passing it to the validation function please be careful!

Here is an example where Javascript behaviour makes the test wrong:

const stringDate = new Rule({
  type: 'string-date',
  equal: new Date(2019, 10, 1), // month in js strart at 0
}, null);

stringDate.test('2019-11-01') // returns false
stringDate.test('2019-11-01T00:00') // returns true

// this is because:

new Date(2019, 10, 1) - new Date('2019-11-01') // equals  3600000 thats exactly 1 hour

new Date(2019, 10, 1) - new Date('2019-11-01T00:00') // equals 0

Multiple types

You can check for multiple types with OR or AND operators like this:

  const intRule = new Rule({
    type: 'int|float|number',
  }, null);

  intRule.test(2) // returns true

This means the test should verify the int, float or number rule

  const intRule = new Rule({
    type: 'int&number',
  }, null);
  intRule.test(2.1); // returns false

The result doesn't match the int rule

Common properties

Every type has these properties:

  • optional
  • custom
  • oneOf


If optional is set to true the element is optional and an undefined value is considered correct. Example:

const { Validator, Rule } = require('@cesium133/forgjs');

const intRule = new Rule({
    type: 'int',
    optional: true,
  }, null);
intRule.test(); // returns true


Custom allows you to write your own rule, an example is better than a long explanation:

  const { Validator, Rule } = require('@cesium133/forgjs');
  function isCorrectAge(age, object) {
    if (age === Math.floor((new Date() - object.dateOfBirth) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30 / 12)) {
      return true;
    return false;
  const vComplexe = new Validator({
    age: new Rule({
      type: 'int', min: 18, max: 99, custom: isCorrectAge,
    dateOfBirth: new Rule({ type: 'date' }),

    age: 23,
    dateOfBirth: new Date(1995, 10, 3),
    array: ['1'],
  }); // returns true


One of checks if the element is in a array

  const floatRule = new Rule({
    type: 'float',
    oneOf: [3.5, 100.1, 7.2, 0.1],
  }, null);
  floatRule.test(100.1); // returns true

Make a new type

Creating a new type is done using the Rule class like this:

  const { Validator, Rule } = require('@cesium133/forgjs'); 
  Rule.addCustom('customInteger', {
    min: (val, min) => val - min > 0,
    max: (val, max) => val - max < 0,
    equal: (val, equal) => val === equal,
    type: val => Number.isInteger(val) && val > 0 && val < 100,

  const customInteger = new Rule({
    type: 'customInteger',
    min: 10,
  }, null);

  customInteger.test(11) // returns true

  customInteger.test(200) // returns false

How to contribute

Thank you everyone for contributing to make this code better, if you have suggestions or ideas to improve the code please feel free to leave a comment here #29. Rules:

1 Please use this template which will help developers to test and better understand your request

const someRule= new Rule({
    type: 'yourType',
    prop1: val1,
    prop2: val2, ...
  }, null);

  someRule.test(validValue) // returns true
  someRule.test(invalidValue) // returns false

2 Please if you think a comment is a good feature to be added like the comment instead of creating a new one.

3 Before submitting a new comment check if the same comment is not already present

4 If you submit a PR (pull request) and you only change the Readme please add [ci skip] to your commit message

5 If you have any questions ask them in the FAQ

6 Please have fun, and if you feel like not following the rules then don't follow them

code with love ❤️

Left TO DO for next release


Follow me on twitter at @forg_js


ForgJs is a javascript lightweight object validator. Go check the Quick start section and start coding with love







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