You can clone MON with:
shell> git clone
Following is organized roughly according to the load order.
monDOTemacs.el -- Points to a local directory and for loading mon-site-local-defaults.el
mon-site-local-defaults.el -- An example configuration of MON's `site-local-private.el' which acts as a bootstrap for mon-default-loads and helps to obfuscate information which needn't be revealed other packages.
mon-default-loads.el -- Setup the globals and base system portability.
mon-default-start-loads.el -- Setup any Emacs and Third party packages required.
mon-w32-load.el -- Provides w32 specific features which must be present or are better left segregated.
mon-GNU-load.el -- GNU/Linux specific features. Mostly for quick reconfiguration of Slime related stuff prior to slime-loads.el
slime-loads.el -- Slime is a moving target with multiple backends for multiple languages. This is for sanity.
slime-loads-GNU-clbuild.el -- MON's Slime related extensions.
mon-keybindings.el -- Provides MON prefered keybindings and mode specific stuff.
mon-post-load-hooks.el -- Provides functions to evaluate after initializing MON Emacsen.
The package mon-utils is the entry point which loads the rest of the system and specifically any mon-.el and naf-mode-.el packages.
mon-utils.el -- (MonUtils) This package is the entry point that loads everything else below.
mon-text-property-utils.el -- Provides functions for working with and manipulating text properties and overlays.
mon-error-utils.el -- Provides extensions for conditions and error handling.
mon-alphabet-list-utils.el -- Provides list generation function which returns alphabetic sequences in various formats.
mon-aliases.el -- Provides single consolidated file for def(var)aliases across MON packages.
mon-dir-locals-alist.el -- MON global vars bound to commonly used local-site paths.
mon-dir-utils.el -- Provides a collection of handy functions and interactive commands for working with directories and files.
mon-dir-utils-local.el -- Provides functions for working with directories and files mostly specific to MON systems.
mon-insertion-utils.el -- Provides insertion related utilities, templates and string building/manipulation procedures that ease routine chores and interactive command invocation.
mon-replacement-utils.el -- Provides a collection of routines and commands and abstracts some commonly encountered procedures for processing regexps with their replacements.
mon-regexp-symbols.el -- Provides a collection of Symbols bound to lisp lists of regexp/replacement pairs. Allows simple easy interactive command invocation using symbols as arguments to containing lists of regexps.
mon-time-utils.el -- (EbayTime) Provides procedures for frobbing time.
mon-testme-utils.el -- Provides `mon-*' tests and template for inserting them
mon-plist-utils.el -- Provides procedures for frobbing plist-like seqs
mon-macs.el -- Provides macros.
mon-type-utils.el -- Provides procedures useful for interrogating lisp objects.
mon-type-utils-vars.el -- Provides variables useful for interrogating lisp objects.
mon-window-utils.el -- Provides window related procedures.
mon-word-syntax-utils.el -- Provides procedures for counting things with word syntax.
mon-buffer-utils.el -- Provides buffer related procedures.
mon-event-utils.el -- Provides event related procedures.
mon-line-utils.el -- Provides line centric procedures.
mon-region-utils.el -- Provides region oriented procedures.
mon-seq-utils.el -- Provides procedures for frobbing sequences.
mon-string-utils.el -- Provides string frobbing procedures.
mon-env-proc-utils.el -- Provides procedures for interacting w/ process environment.
mon-randomize-utils.el -- Provides procedures for generating pseudo randomness.
mon-rectangle-utils.el -- Provides procedures for manipulating rectangles.
mon-button-utils.el -- Provides utilities for examining button properties.
mon-cl-compat.el -- This is intended to be used as a drop-in replacement for the cl-seq.el When compiling your packages: (eval-when-compile (require 'mon-cl-compat))
mon-cl-compat-regexps.el -- Provides regular expressions for replacing the symbol-names from the cl-seq.el package with a `cl::' prefix
mon-empty-registers.el (EmptyRegisters) -- Provides utilities for filling/emptying register locations en masse. Also provides interactive tools for register centric coercion, manipulation, round-tripping of chars, strings, etc.
mon-hash-utils.el -- Provides a collection of procedures to extend Emacs lisp hash table functionality.
mon-name-utils.el -- Provides procedures to rotate, combine, and permute string-like name forms.
mon-image-utils.el -- Provides procedures for interfacing with image manipulation processes.
mon-rename-image-utils.el (RenameImageUtils) -- Provides utility functions for working with images and EmacsImageManipulation.
mon-boxcutter.el -- For initializing w32 screen captures from Emacs using Matthew D. Rasmussen's Boxcutter screen-capture executables: boxcutter-fs.exe and boxcutter.exe
mon-color-utils.el -- Provides an assembled set of routines for manipulations/examinations of 'color'.
mon-mysql-utils.el (MySqlHelp) -- Provides interactive procedures for stripping content from MySQL query result tables. Also, provides an alist of MySQL help categories and topics and a rudimentary completion functionality for accessing MySQL's `mysql' client help facility.
mon-url-utils.el -- Provides utilities for interactively calling URL data lookups and for in buffer modification of web/internet scrapes.
mon-jg-directory-creator.el -- Provides utils for massive directory hierarchy creation.
mon-wget-utils.el -- Provides lightweight routines for pulling files with wget.
mon-get-freenode-lisp-logs -- Pull freenode logs for #lisp with wget. :SEE
mon-cifs-utils.el -- (MonCifsUtils) Provides utilities for mapping and mounting a CIFS domain using auth-source. Common Internet File System protocol, e.g. successor to the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol with the Samba Server.
mon-tramp-utils.el -- Provides cross platform utilities for working with tramp. This package should be compatible with both GNU/LINUX and w32 systems and helps MON with Emacs portability across environments.
google-define-redux.el -- Extends google-define.el
mon-color-occur.el -- A patched version of Matsushita Akihisa's color-cccur.el
mon-css-check.el -- This is Niels Giss css-check.el with MON documentation features and minor changes.
mon-css-color.el --
mon-css-complete.el -- This is a highly modified version of Niels Giesen's css-complete.el
mon-drive-transfer-utils.el -- Template builder for transferring backing up large hard-drives.
mon-doc-help-utils.el -- (ReferenceSheetHelpUtils) (MonDocHelpUtilsDictionary)
mon-doc-help-char-encoding-lossage.el -- Show lossage across encoding points
mon-doc-help-css.el -- Extends mon-doc-help-utils.el with CSS related docs
mon-doc-help-mail.el -- Extends mon-doc-help-utils package with mail xrefs.
mon-doc-help-pacman.el -- Some help functions for using the package manager with the GNU/Linux Arch distribution.
mon-doc-help-tidy.el -- Extends mon-doc-help-utils.el package with HTML Tidy docs.
mon-doc-help-CL.el -- Some Emacs Lisp help functions for using Common-Lisp functions (loop, do, etc.)
mon-doc-help-proprietary.el -- Extends mon-doc-help-utils with ms w32 related docs.
mon-iptables-regexps.el -- Provides interactive utilities for converting iptables short flags to long flags. Also provides procedures for using Emacs help-mode to document the order of position for the symbols, flags, etc. used with
iptables' AKA
netfilter'. -
mon-iptables-vars.el -- Provides gigantic alist `mon-iptables-alst' needed for use with mon-iptables-regexps.el
perlisisms.el (Perlisisms) --
STING-software-engineering-glossary.el --
ebay-template-mode.el --
ebay-template-tools.el --
naf-mode.el -- naf-mode is a major mode for editing NAFs (Name Authority Files). naf-mode provides utilities for working with and unifying authority records of various public accessible datasets LOC, BNF, ULAN, OCLC, Wikipedia, IMDB, etc. This package provides the core naf-mode facilities and require statements for loading the other naf-mode-*.el packages below.
naf-mode-faces.el --
naf-mode-insertion-utils.el --
naf-mode-replacements.el --
naf-mode-classes.el --
naf-mode-db-fields.el --
naf-mode-db-flags.el -- keyword lists and regexps for font-locking in `naf-mode'
naf-mode-dates.el -- regexp variables for matching dates in `naf-mode' Name Authority files
naf-mode-french-months.el --
naf-mode-nation-english.el --
naf-mode-nation-french.el --
naf-mode-nationality-english.el --
naf-mode-nationality-french.el --
naf-mode-intnl-city-names.el --
naf-mode-city-names-us.el --
naf-mode-state-names.el --
naf-mode-regions.el --
naf-mode-publications-periodicals-english.el --
naf-mode-publications-periodicals-french.el --
naf-mode-publications-periodicals-intnl.el --
naf-mode-institution.el --
naf-mode-students-of-julian.el --
naf-mode-events.el --
naf-mode-english-roles.el --
naf-mode-french-roles.el --
naf-mode-awards-prizes.el --
naf-mode-group-period-styles.el --
naf-mode-art-keywords.el --
naf-mode-benezit-flags.el --
naf-mode-ulan-utils.el -- Provides utility procedures for converting ULAN data for naf-mode.
naf-mode-xrefs.el -- Provides xrefing variable list of corelated naf-mode symbols.