An opinionated hledger's journal files formatter.
Download standalone pre-built binaries from releases page.
Install from pre-built binaries using cargo-binstall:
cargo binstall hledger-fmt
Build from source using cargo:
cargo install hledger-fmt
Use it with pre-commit by adding the hook to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:
- repo:
rev: vX.Y.Z
# id: hledger-fmt # Use this id to format files in place
- id: hledger-fmt-check # Use this id to check files without formatting
With hledger-fmt in your PATH, use the VSCode Custom Local Formatters extension. Just install it and add the next configuration to your settings.json:
"customLocalFormatters.formatters": [
"command": "hledger-fmt - --no-diff",
"languages": ["hledger"]
To format on save:
"editor.formatOnSave": true
When you don't pass files to format, it reads all the files with
the extensions .journal
, .hledger
and .j
in the current directory
and its subdirectories.
hledger-fmt [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
To fix them in place, use the --fix
This is a potentially destructive operation. Make sure to make a backup of your files before running this command for the first time.
hledger-fmt --fix [FILES]...
See hledger-fmt --help
for more information.
(enabled by default): Build with terminal color
(enabled by default): Automatically detects if your terminal supports colors.