This project aims to expose the WebGPU API as Go API that can be used in wasm projects.
Warning: The project is in early development and the API is likely to change in backward incompatible ways!
You need to add the project as a dependency.
go get
The implementation uses syscall/js
calls and as such requires that client
applications are compiled with the GOOS=js
and GOARCH=wasm
If you are unfamiliar with how Go and WASM works, then you should have a look at the official WebAssembly with Go documentation.
Following is an example Go code that clears the canvas with a green color.
package main
import (
func main() {
// You need to ensure that getContext and getDevice methods exist.
jsContext := js.Global().Call("getContext")
jsDevice := js.Global().Call("getDevice")
context := wasmgpu.NewCanvasContext(jsContext)
device := wasmgpu.NewDevice(jsDevice)
commandEncoder := device.CreateCommandEncoder()
renderPass := commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(wasmgpu.GPURenderPassDescriptor{
ColorAttachments: []wasmgpu.GPURenderPassColorAttachment{
View: context.GetCurrentTexture().CreateView(),
ClearValue: opt.V(wasmgpu.GPUColor{
R: 0.0,
G: 1.0,
B: 0.0,
A: 1.0,
LoadOp: wasmgpu.GPULoadOpClear,
StoreOp: wasmgpu.GPUStoreOPStore,
NOTE: In order to get this working, the code needs access to getContext
functions that don't exist by default. You need to expose those
from your page's JavaScript.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="wasm_exec.js"></script>
<canvas width="512" height="512"></canvas>
<script type="module">
// Prepare a Canvas with WebGPU support.
if (!navigator.gpu) {
throw new Error("WebGPU not suppored :(");
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({
powerPreference: "high-performance",
if (!adapter) {
throw new Error("No WebGPU adapter available :(");
const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
if (!device) {
throw new Error("No Device available :(");
const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
const context = canvas.getContext("webgpu");
const canvasFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
device: device,
format: canvasFormat,
// The following functions are needed by the Go code to get access
// to the context and device.
window.getDevice = () => {
return device;
window.getContext = () => {
return context;
// This is the standard code to get WebAssembly going with Go.
const go = new Go();
const result = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(
The project includes a working Demo based on Google's Codelab Tutorial.
You can check it live on the GitHub page of this project.
Alternatively, you can run it yourself. It is located in the demo
folder of the repository.
Run the following script to build the WASM file.
Run the following script to run an HTTP server to host the demo/web
Next, open http://localhost:8080
with a browser that supports WebGPU.
You should see the Demo running.
If something is not available in the API, in some cases, you can extend it as a
workaround by extracting the js.Value
object using obj.ToJS().(js.Value)
and assigning it to a wrapper structure.
func ExtendQueue(queue GPUQueue) GPUQueueExt {
return GPUQueueExt {
GPUQueue: queue,
jsValue: queue.ToJS().(js.Value),
type GPUQueueExt struct {
jsValue js.Value
func (g GPUQueueExt) DoSomethingNew() {
In the meantime you can open a Github Issue so that the actual implementation can be adjusted.
The project is still very early in the design phase. At this point in time Issues would be the preferred contribution mechanism.