With custom poem!
This mod adds a screen in the style of the vanilla credits/win screen, but for the currently installed mods and with expanded functionality as well as a small custom poem.
Custom FMJ property (simple)
"custom": {
"moehreag-modcredits:description": "Your custom text!"
Note: This property does not support localization.
Example (using translation keys):
"custom": {
"moehreag-modcredits:description-keys": "modid.modcredits.description"
Note: For both options, the line length is limited to a width of 256 and will be wrapped.
Custom Entrypoint (more powerful, but also more manual work and likely to break with version updates)
entrypoints: {
"moehreag-modcredits": [
package com.example.modid.modcredits;
import io.github.moehreag.modcredits.ModCreditsApi;
import io.github.moehreag.modcredits.entries.Entry;
import net.fabricmc.loader.api.ModContainer;
public class ModCreditsImpl implements ModCreditsApi {
public Entry createEntry(ModContainer self, boolean rightText) {
/* Your code! */
This mod can be found on https://moehreag.duckdns.org/maven. Alternatively, the modrinth maven can be used.
repositories {
dependencies {
repositories {
maven { url = "https://moehreag.duckdns.org/maven/releases" }
dependencies {
You want to use this mod in a modpack but it doesn't offer the correct options? Head to the issue tracker and let us know!