This GitHub repository contains tools and scripts put together by members of the modENCODE DCC team:
- Quang Trinh
- Marc Perry
- Sergio Contrino
- Lincoln Stein
- Ellen Kephart
- Ravpreet Setia
- Fei-Yang ( Arthur ) Jen
- Ziru Zhou
- KarMing Chu
We would like to thank Bjoern Gruening ([email protected]) for updating many of our scripts to take advantages of the newer Tool Shed features. Please send your comments/questions to modENCODE DCC at [email protected].
README file on how to launch an instance of Galaxy on Amazon Cloud.
README file on how to use the ENCODE/modENCODE uniform processing/peak calling pipeline ( macs2, IDR, and IDR-plot ) in Galaxy on Amazon Cloud.
README file on how to use the ENCODE/modENCODE uniform processing/peak calling workflows ( macs2, IDR, and IDR-plot ) in Galaxy on Amazon Cloud.
README files on how to use Amazon Cloud AMI or Bionimbus Cloud to run the uniform processing/peak calling pipeline from the command line
The tools listed below are also on Galaxy Toolshed
modENCODE_DCC_tools/bamedit - merging, splitting, filtering, and QC of BAM files
modENCODE_DCC_tools/idr - Reproducibility and automatic thresholding of ChIP-seq data, written by Anshul Kundaje ( )
- mac2npk - converts macs output peak file to ENCODE narrowPeak format
- idr - consistency analysis of peak files
- idr-plot - plot consistency analysis on IDR output files
- IDR Google discussion group -
modENCODE_DCC_tools/macs - model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (1.4.1), written by Tao Liu
modENCODE_DCC_tools/macs2 - model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (, written by Tao Liu ( )
modENCODE_DCC_tools/peakranger - multi-purpose, ultrafast ChIP-Seq peak caller, written by Xin Feng ( )
modENCODE_DCC_tools/spp - cross-correlation analysis package ( )