Znam fali mi malo koda na kraju, al nemrem vise, good enough(ak je dobra ideja mogu popraviti). Tekst unutar K se da promijeniti u seeders.txt, zasad su kolege(pucal sam iz glave tak da ak sam nekoga zaboravil LMK), projekti i oni values sa weba.
Pisano u Cu(puno koda, a kompajler podrzava ovakvo bogohuljenje, ajde Cabraja da te vidim u kak bi ovo u Pythonu napiso :P), nadam se da svi imate GCC kompajler(mislim da dolazi preinstalled na unixu). Zabunom sam pushal kodi, to je kompajlirani kod. Da si sami kompajlirate i pokrenete:
gcc kodius_logo.c -o kodi
#include<stdio.h> //This is here cuz
#include<math.h> //imports & consts
#define F_LEN 46 //must have newlin
#define L_P_W 16 //it is wat it is
int main(int argc ,char *argv[]){int
lft_part_len=ceil (F_LEN / 1.33);int
rght_part_wd=ceil (1.1*L_P_W);int gap
=ceil(L_P_W*2.65 );int hlf_len_lft=
ceil(lft_part_len /2);char hlf_flg=0
;int c = 0; char eof_flag = 0; FILE
*file = fopen ( "seeders.txt","r")
;for(int i =0;i< F_LEN; i++){/*Left
block of K*/ for (int j =0;j<L_P_W;
j++){if ((j == 0 ||j==(L_P_W- 1))&&
i< lft_part_len) printf ("|"); else
if(i ==0)printf( "-");else if( i ==
(lft_part_len-1) )printf("_"); else
if(i >= 0 && i < lft_part_len){if (
(c = fgetc(file) ) == EOF){ printf(
" ") ; } else if (c =='\n') printf(
" ");else printf ("%c", c) ; } else
printf (" ") ; } /*Gap*/ for (int j
= 0;j<gap;j++) { printf(" ");}if(i<
hlf_len_lft){gap -= ceil(0.1*L_P_W)
; }else if (i == hlf_len_lft && !
hlf_flg){hlf_flg =1;}else{gap+=ceil
(0.1 * L_P_W); } for(int j = 0; j <
rght_part_wd;j++ ){if (j == 0 ||j==
(rght_part_wd-1)) {if(i<=hlf_len_lft
)printf("/");else if(i > hlf_len_lft)
printf ("\\") ;} else if(i==0)printf
("-");else if (i == F_LEN -1)printf
("_");else{if (( c = fgetc(file))==
EOF){printf(" ") ;}else if (c=='\n'
)printf(" ");else printf("%c", c);}}
printf ( "\n") ; }
return 0;}/*And no
w I have to announ
ce that I have run
out of code to fi
ll in the K,maybe
it's a good thing
since we can fill
this part with som
e kind of a messag
e, viva la kodius*/
|--------------| /----------------/
|Tomislav Culig| / Martina Karnas /
|Jelena Vignjev| /ic Maija Munjako/
|vic Kresimir B| /ojcic Ante Brali/
|c Zvonimir Iva| /skovic Ivan Mari/
|c Ana-Marija G| /usa Marko Razum /
|Dino Danic Mat| /ija Sporis Katar/
|ina Sporis Dia| /na Rendulic Andr/
|ej Karamatic T| /in Ilijas Darko /
|Dujmic Mateo V| /ukusic Sanja Zla/
|tar Bruno Papi| /sta Marko Maric /
|Kresimir Cabra| /ja Marko Matotan/
| Kristina Culi| /g Ivan Delas Mar/
|ino Malenica E| /la Primzic Ivona/
| Orecic Andro | /Racic Dino Stanc/
|ic Even financ| /ial Optilogic Di/
|scovery Adrius| / Takamol Poplin /
|Music Supervis| /or Flex Careers /
|Forfend Health| \ Sunnyside Day T\
|rading K-Knowl| \edge-Our most va\
|luable resourc| \e is our people'\
|s knowledge. I| \n order to gain \
|access to valu| \able information\
| and deliver b| \etter results, w\
|e love to shar| \e our knowledge \
|and experience| \! O-Objective-De\
|fine the goal,| \ communicate it \
|out and track | \it. We strive to\
| get everyone | \rowing in the sa\
|me direction, | \something we con\
|sider to be es| \sential for gett\
|ing high perfo| \rmance! D-Divers\
|ity-You are we| \lcome, no matter\
| your age, gen| \der, nationality\
|______________| \ or language. We\
\ want you to fee\
\l respected and \
\valued so that t\
\ogether we can b\
\uild strong rela\
\tionships and be\
\ more productive\
\ in what we do! \
\wo people are al\
Pokupil sam neku prehladu(negativan sam na kovid), i kurim od petka navecer 39(ispricavam se unaprijed ako nekoga pocne peckati grlo). Nisam bil u stanju citati, nisam mogel zaspati jer me jako drzala temperatura nije mi se dalo pisati dokumentaciju za Poplin u takvom stanju, pogledal sam 4. ep Kenobija i ispada da je serija cisto smece(a ja ocekival Mandalorian level quality) i neki fever dream me ulovil, pa reko idem se igrati s ovime. Na pitanje koliko mi je vremena trebalo ne zelim odgovoriti.