Codes used in the paper by Fujimoto, Leiwe et al. Currently only on biorxiv here -
Rough guide for how in-vivo images were processed
- Use mnl_PreProcessing
- Use AFID (downloadable here -
- Analyse individual images with mnl_SpontaneousAnalysis2
- For Group Analysis a) Collate all image workspaces from each age group (mnl_CollateAllSpontData) b) Use the group analysis code (mnl_SpontGroupDataAnalysis) c) Measure the HL events across all images and groups (mnl_HandL_Events2Norm)
In-vitro images were processed in the following manner... (SF to complete)
If there are any queeries please contact... For In-Vivo: m-leiwe"at" For In-Vitro: sfujimoto"at"