The goal of this project is to create a library with a fast and scalable implementation of the algorithms detecting CNV (Copy Number Variation) mutations in a human genome. In addition, it contains many popular features used to analyze genomic data, e.g. calculating coverage, RPKM, ZRPKM or SVD-ZRPKM values.
Technologies used:
- Apache Spark
- Hadoop-BAM
In order to build the project you need to have the following dependencies installed:
- JVM 1.7
- Scala 2.10.4
- SBT 0.13.5
- Checkout the source using
git clone
- Build the package using
sbt package
from the project directory - Run the tests using
sbt test
from the project directory
If all tests are passed, the library is ready to be used.
If you want to generate an API documentation run sbt doc
from the project directory.
- Calculating coverage:
val samples: Map[Int, String] = scanForSamples("path/to/bam/files")
val reads: RDD[(Int, SAMRecord)] = loadReads(sc, samples)
val bedFile: Broadcast[mutable.HashMap[Int, (Int, Int, Int)]] = sc.broadcast {
val coverage: RDD[(Int, Iterable[(Int, Int)])] = {
val counter = new CoverageCounter(sc, bedFile, reads)
Check out the API documentation for more information about various options of the coverage calculation.
- Calculating RPKM values:
// this is continuation of previous example
val rpkms: RDD[(Int, Array[Double])] = {
val counter = new RpkmsCounter(reads, bedFile, coverage)
- Calculating ZRPKM values:
// this is continuation of previous example
val zrpkms: RDD[(Int, Array[Double])] = {
val counter = new ZrpkmsCounter(samples, rpkms, 1.0)
- Calculating SVD-ZRPKM values:
// this is continuation of previous example
val matrices: RDD[(Int, Array[Int], RealMatrix)] = {
val counter = new SvdCounter(sc, samples, bedFile, zrpkms, 12)
- Making calls:
// this is continuation of previous example
val calls: RDD[(Int, Int, Int, Int, String)] = {
val caller = new Caller(bedFile, matrices, 1.5)
- CoNIFER algorithm:
val bedFilePath = "path/to/bed/file"
val bamFilesPath = "path/to/bam/files"
val conifer = new Conifer(sc, bedFilePath, bamFilesPath, 1.0, 1, 1.5)