The Swift Dependency Injection Container is a lightweight and flexible library designed to facilitate dependency management in Swift applications. It provides a structured and type-safe approach to resolve dependencies throughout your codebase, promoting code reusability, testability, and maintainability.
- Type-safe dependency resolution.
- Lazy instantiation of dependencies.
- Property wrappers for convenient dependency injection.
- Dynamic module registration and management.
- Result builder syntax for declarative module registration.
- Debug utilities for module and injection key scanning.
- Swift 5.9+
DIContainer is available Swift Package Manager.
in Package.swift
add the following:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
First, register a key and module pair to a Container
, where the module has concreate type. Key
has protocol type
, and concreate type
is inheriting protocol type
Container {
Module(AnimalKey.self) { Cat() }
Then get an instance from the container.
var cat: Meow
cat.doSomething() // prints "Meow.."
Where definitions of the protocols and struct are
class AnimalKey: InjectionKey {
var type: Meow?
protocol Meow {
func doSomething()
struct Cat: Meow {
func doSomething() {
$ (cd MockData/Sources/MockData && for i in {1..20}; do cp MockClass.swift MockClass$i.swift; done)
$ swift test
$ swift test -Xswiftc -O
Contributions to the Swift Dependency Injection Container are welcome. Here are ways you can contribute:
- Reporting issues
- Suggesting enhancements
- Submitting pull requests with bug fixes or new features
Please ensure to follow the coding standards and write tests for new functionality.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- [Swift 5.7+] Dependency Injection (1) - PropertyWrapper를 이용한 Service Locator 구현하기
- [Swift 5.7+] Dependency Injection (2) - 컨테이너 무결성 보장해 보기
- [Swift 5.7+][Objective-C] Dependency Injection (3) - objc_getClassList를 사용하여 모든 클래스 목록 얻기
The DIContainer are inspired by:
- Dependency Injection in Swift using latest Swift features
- iOS Dependency Injection Using Swinject
- Dependency Injection via Property Wrappers
- DI 라이브러리 “Koin” 은 DI가 맞을까?
- SwiftLee 방식의 DI를 하는 것으로 TCA의 Environment 버킷 릴레이를 그만두고 싶은 이야기
- Swift Dependency Injection via Property Wrapper
- 뱅크샐러드 안드로이드 앱에서 Koin 걷어내고 Hilt로 마이그레이션하기
- 마틴 파울러 - Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern
- Nest.js는 실제로 어떻게 의존성을 주입해줄까?
- - Friday Q&A 2014-08-08: Swift Name Mangling
- Wikipedia - Name mangling
- Github - DerekSelander/dsdump
- Building a class-dump in 2020