Ruby client for the QuickBooks Online API version 3.
- JSON only support.
- Please don't ask about XML support. Intuit has stated that JSON is the primary data format for the QuickBooks API (v3 and beyond). This gem will specialize in JSON only. The
gem has fantastic support for those who favor XML.
- Please don't ask about XML support. Intuit has stated that JSON is the primary data format for the QuickBooks API (v3 and beyond). This gem will specialize in JSON only. The
- Features specs built directly against a QuickBooks Online Sandbox via the VCR gem.
- Robust error handling.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'qbo_api'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install qbo_api
qbo_api = 'REWR342532asdfae!$4asdfa', realm_id: 32095430444)
- qbo_api.get :customer, 1
- cd ~/<local dir>
- git clone [email protected]:minimul/qbo_api.git && cd qbo_api
- bundle
- bin/console
- QboApi.production = true
- qbo_api = "qyprd2uvCOdRq8xzoSSiiiiii", realm_id: "12314xxxxxx7")
- qbo_api.get :customer, 1
Some QBO entities have attributes of type DateTime (e.g., Time Activities with StartTime and EndTime). All DateTimes passed to the QBO API must be serialized in ISO 8601 format. If ActiveSupport is loaded, you can achieve proper serialization with the following configuration:
ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.use_standard_json_time_format = true
ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.time_precision = 0
If you're not using ActiveSupport, you'll need to use #iso8601
method to convert your Time
instances to strings before passing them to a QboApi instance. Failure to do so will result in a raised QboApi::BadRequest exception.
- By default this client runs against a QBO sandbox. To run against the production QBO API URL do:
QboApi.production = true
- Logging:
QboApi.log = true
- To change logging target from
QboApi.logger = Rails.logger
- To run all requests with unique RequestIds.
QboApi.request_id = true
- To run individual requests with a RequestId then do something like this:
resp = qbo_api.create(:bill, payload: bill_hash, params: { requestid: qbo_api.uuid })
# Works with .get, .create, .update, .query methods
- By default, this client runs against the current "base" or major version of the QBO API. This client does not run against the latest QBO API minor version by default. To run all requests with a specific minor version, you must specify it:
QboApi.minor_version = 8
- To run individual requests with a minor version then do something like this:
resp = qbo_api.get(:item, 8, params: { minorversion: 8 })
# Works with .get, .create, .update, .query methods
invoice = {
"Line": [
"Amount": 100.00,
"DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
"SalesItemLineDetail": {
"ItemRef": {
"value": "1",
"name": "Services"
"CustomerRef": {
"value": "1"
response = qbo_api.create(:invoice, payload: invoice)
p response['Id'] # => 65
customer = {
DisplayName: 'Jack Doe',
PrimaryPhone: {
FreeFormNumber: "(415) 444-1234"
response = qbo_api.update(:customer, id: 60, payload: customer)
p response.fetch('PrimaryPhone').fetch('FreeFormNumber') # => "(415) 444-1234"
response = qbo_api.delete(:invoice, id: 145)
p response['status'] # => "Deleted"
NOTE: If you are deleting a journal entry you have to use the following syntax with the underscore, even though this is inconsistent with how you create journal entries.
response = qbo_api.delete(:journal_entry, id: 145)
p response['status'] # => "Deleted"
response = qbo_api.deactivate(:employee, id: 55)
p response['Active'] # => false
response = qbo_api.get(:customer, 5)
p response['DisplayName'] # => "Dukes Basketball Camp"
response = qbo_api.get(:customer, ["DisplayName", "Dukes Basketball Camp"])
p response['Id'] # => 5
response = qbo_api.get(:customer, ["DisplayName", "LIKE", "Dukes%"])
p response['Id'] # => 5
response = qbo_api.get(:vendor, ["DisplayName", "IN", "(true, false)"])
p response.size # => 28
Note: There is some overlap with the all
and the get
methods. The get
method is limited to 1000 results where the all
method will return all the results no matter the number.
# retrieves all active customers
qbo_api.all(:customers).each do |c|
p "#{c['Id']} #{c['DisplayName']}"
# retrieves all active or inactive employees
qbo_api.all(:employees, inactive: true).each do |e|
p "#{e['Id']} #{e['DisplayName']}"
# retrieves all vendors by groups of 5
qbo_api.all(:vendor, max: 5).each do |v|
p v['DisplayName']
# retrieves all customers by groups of 2 using a custom select query
where = "WHERE Id IN ('5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10')"
qbo_api.all(:customer, max: 2, select: "SELECT * FROM Customer #{where}").each do |c|
p c['DisplayName']
api.all(:clients).take(50).each { |c| p c["Id"] }
# Use the .esc() method
name = qbo_api.esc "Amy's Bird Sanctuary"
response = qbo_api.query(%{SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE DisplayName = '#{name}'})
# OR USE .get() method, which will automatically escape
response = qbo_api.get(:customer, ["DisplayName", "Amy's Bird Sanctuary"])
p response['Id'] # => 1
api.send_invoice(invoice_id: 1, email_address: '[email protected]')
payload = {"AttachableRef":
"type": "Invoice",
"value": "111"
"FileName": "test.txt",
"ContentType": "text/plain"
# `attachment` can be either an IO stream or string path to a local file
response = qbo_api.upload_attachment(payload: payload, attachment: '/tmp/test.txt')
p response['Id'] # => 5000000000000091308
Be aware that any errors will not raise a QboApi::Error
, but will be returned in the following format:
[{"Message"=>"Object Not Found",
"Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.",
response = qbo_api.cdc(entities: 'estimate', changed_since: '2011-10-10T09:00:00-07:00')
# You can also send in a Time object e.g. changed_since:
expect(response['CDCResponse'].size).to eq 1
ids = response['CDCResponse'][0]['QueryResponse'][0]['Estimate'].collect{ |e| e['Id'] }
p ids
payload = {
"bId": "bid1",
"operation": "create",
"Vendor": {
"DisplayName": "Smith Family Store"
}, {
"bId": "bid2",
"operation": "delete",
"Invoice": {
"Id": "129",
"SyncToken": "0"
response = qbo_api.batch(payload)
expect(response['BatchItemResponse'].size).to eq 2
expect(batch_response.detect{ |b| b["bId"] == "bid1" }["Vendor"]["DisplayName"]).to eq "Smith Family Store"
params = { start_date: '2015-01-01', end_date: '2015-07-31', customer: 1, summarize_column_by: 'Customers' }
response = qbo_api.reports(name: 'ProfitAndLoss', params: params)
p response["Header"]["ReportName"]) #=> 'ProfitAndLoss'
See docs
response = qbo_api.reconnect
#=> if response['ErrorCode'] == 0
#=> p response['OAuthToken'] #=> rewq23423424afadsdfs==
#=> p response['OAuthTokenSecret'] #=> ertwwetu12345312005343453yy=Fg
See docs
response = qbo_api.disconnect
#=> if response['ErrorCode'] == 0
#=> # Successful disconnect
customer = { DisplayName: 'Weiskopf Consulting' }
response = qbo_api.create(:customer, payload: customer)
rescue QboApi::BadRequest => e
if e.message =~ /Another customer already exists with this name/
# Query for Id using DisplayName
# Do an qbo_api.update instead
p qbo_api.is_transaction_entity?(:invoice) # => true
# Plural is supported as well
p qbo_api.is_transaction_entity?(:invoices) # => true
p qbo_api.is_transaction_entity?(:customer) # => false
p qbo_api.is_name_list_entity?(:vendors) # => true
A quickbooks supplied PDF can be downloaded for api endpoints which offer a PDF.
qbo_api.get_pdf(:invoice, 121) # produces a pdf stream.
The PDF stream can then be saved using your preferred method.
# example using Ruby on Rails with ActiveStorage
class Invoice
has_one_attached :pdf_file
invoice_number = 121
pdf_data = qbo_api.get_pdf(:invoice, invoice_numer) # returns raw pdf stream
pdf_io = # convert to a StringIO object
filename = "invoice_no_#{invoice_number}"
io: pdf_io,
filename: filename,
content_type: 'application/pdf'
# plain ruby example
invoice_number = 121
pdf_data = qbo_api.get_pdf(:invoice, invoice_numer) # returns raw pdf stream
filename = "invoice_no_#{invoice_number}.pdf"
File.write(filename, pdf_data)
Create a Intuit developer account at
Create an app in the intuit developer backend
- Go to myapps
- Create an app with both the
Setup the app and gather credentials
- Go to the Development Dashboard
- Click on your App name
- Click "Keys & credentials" under Development Settings in left menu
- Copy the 'Client ID' and the 'Client Secret'
- Add a Redirect URI:
(or whatever PORT= is in your .env) - Create a new Sandbox Company by clicking on "View Sandbox companies" Don't use it for anything else besides testing this app.
- Copy the 'Company ID' for use later
- Within 'Sandbox Company_US_1' click on the COG -> Additional info
- Copy the 'Company ID'
Setup qbo_api
git clone git:// && cd qbo_api
Create a
filecp .env.example_app.oauth2 .env
- Edit your .env and enter the following
Start up the example app and test
ruby example/oauth2.rb
- Go to
- Use the
Connect to QuickBooks
button to connect to your QuickBooks sandbox, which you receive when signing up at - After successfully connecting to your sandbox go to
- You should see "Dukes Basketball Camp" displayed
to see what is going on under the hood.
- Check out this tutorial and screencast on handling a webhook request. Also checkout
for the request handling code.
See for how to install ngrok and what it is.
With the example app running, run:
ngrok http 9393 -subdomain=somereasonablyuniquenamehere
Go to the
tab -
Add a webhook, Select all triggers and enter the https url from the ngrok output
After saving the webhook, click 'show token'. Add the token to your .env as QBO_API_VERIFIER_TOKEN
In another tab, create a customer via the API:
bundle exec ruby -rqbo_api -rdotenv -e 'Dotenv.load; p ENV.fetch("QBO_API_ACCESS_TOKEN"), realm_id: ENV.fetch("QBO_API_COMPANY_ID")).create(:customer, payload: { DisplayName: "TestCustomer" })'
(You'll also need to have added the QBO_API_COMPANY_ID and QBO_API_ACCESS_TOKEN to your .env)There could be a delay of up to a minute before the webhook fires.
It'll appear in your logs like:
{"eventNotifications"=>[{"realmId"=>"XXXX", "dataChangeEvent"=>{"entities"=>[{"name"=>"Customer", "id"=>"62", "operation"=>"Create", "lastUpdated"=>"2018-04-08T04:14:39.000Z"}]}}]} Verified: true "POST /webhooks HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.0013
- Using the build_connection method
connection = build_connection('', headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }) do |conn|
conn.basic_auth(client_id, client_secret)
conn.request :url_encoded # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
conn.response :json
conn.use QboApi::RaiseHttpException
raw_response = do |req|
req.body = { grant_type: :refresh_token, refresh_token: current_refresh_token }
req.url '/oauth2/v1/tokens/bearer'
- Once your .env file is completely filled out you can use the console to play around in your sandbox
bin/console test
>> @qbo_api.get :customer, 1
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
- Check out this tutorial and screencast on running the specs
git clone git:// && cd qbo_api
- Create a
filecp .env.test .env
- Update it if your are making HTTP requests.
bundle exec rspec spec/
- All specs that require interaction with the API must be recorded against your personal QuickBooks sandbox. More coming on how to create or modifying existing specs against your sandbox.
- Check out this tutorial and screencast on contributing to qbo_api.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.