Shopline is a full-stack e-commerce platform developed using Laravel, structured with a modular architecture to ensure scalability, maintainability, and efficient feature development. The platform integrates key features such as user management, product catalog, shopping cart, order processing, and payment gateway integration.
- User Management:
- Authentication and authorization for both customers and admin users.
- Profile management and order history access for registered customers.
- Product Management:
- Modular product catalog with categories, attributes, and inventory tracking.
- Product images, pricing, and discounts.
- Cart and Checkout:
- Persistent shopping cart allowing users to add/remove items and adjust quantities.
- Checkout flow integrated with popular payment gateways.
- Order Processing and Tracking:
- End-to-end order management, from placement to fulfillment.
- Notifications and status updates for customers on their orders.
- Admin Panel:
- An organized interface for managing products, orders, users, and site settings.
- Role-based access for administrative tasks.
- Modular architecture
- Custom authentication
- Dynamic menu
- Design Patterns
- Sweetalert
- Toast
- Ajax
- JQuery
- Laravel-Crod
- Laravel-Validate
- Laravel-Attributes
- Role-Permission system
- Custom Helpers
- Module maker custom command
- Gate & Policy
- Many attributes
- Spatie Tags
- Intervention Image
- Test coverage
- Laravel Components
- Polymorphic relationships
- Laravel Pint
- PHPStan (Level 7)
- Category
For convenience, we are define two composer scripts to run Pint
and PHPStan
composer pint
composer stan
Shopline is an open-source E-Commerce that will always be free under the MIT License.