This is a student project from the Turing School of Software & Design as part of the Module 2 backend engineering curriculum. The purpose of this project was to build an application with Sinatra that allows users to browse comedians and comedian specials.
It tested my ability to setup a database with one-to-many relationships and implement CRUD functionality. The project was completed utilizing test-driven development and organized with a MVC structure.
- View it live [here](Add Heroku Link)
- View the original assignment here
- Sinatra 2.0 - Web Framework
- PostgreSQL - Database Management System
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- From your terminal, clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:milevy1/LaughTracks.git
- If you do not have PostgreSQL, follow the steps to setup PostgreSQL here
- Move to the new project directory:
cd LaughTracks
- Install required gems by running:
bundle install
- Seed the application with data by running:
rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
- Start up your local Sinatra server by running:
- View the application in your browser
RSpec was used for testing with gems Capybara and Shoulda-matchers. Test coverage was tracked with SimpleCov.
- To run tests, from the root directory, run:
Tests in the spec/features folder test features simulating user interaction with the application and then expecting content on the page within specific CSS selectors.
Tests in the spec/models folder test the object models setup in the database. They contain validations for table attributes, table relationships, and also methods built with ActiveRecord to interact with the database.