I'm Milan, a Research Software Developer at UCL's Advanced Research Computing Centre.
This profile page is heavily inspired by @paddyroddy's profile
- milanmlft/dotfiles - My dotfiles (4 days ago)
- milanmlft/k8s-with-terraform - Deploying Kubernetes with Terraform (1 week ago)
- milanmlft/todo (2 weeks ago)
- milanmlft/talks (2 weeks ago)
- milanmlft/swapper - Simulate DE Signal By Feature Swapping (2 weeks ago)
- Update 18 packages on UCL/ClinicianCoders (1 week ago)
- Update 21 packages on UCL-ARC/r-amr-epidemiology (1 week ago)
- Update renovate config on milanmlft/todo (2 weeks ago)
- Add CI and precommit on milanmlft/talks (2 weeks ago)
- Update 21 packages on UCL/ClinicianCoders (1 month ago)
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability (1 week ago)
- zen-browser/desktop - A calmer internet, without any gimmicks. (2 weeks ago)
- ropensci/allcontributors - all-contributions as an R package (3 months ago)
- spf13/viper - Go configuration with fangs (4 months ago)
- rstudio/shiny - Easy interactive web applications with R (4 months ago)