Summer is an IRC Bot "framework" "inspired" by Its goal is to be tiny.
The project is currently in "preview" state 'cause that's all the rage nowadays. No there's no invites, BUT everybody gets access to it.
Sorry to inform you that you'll have to clone it and then run rake install
if you want to use it.
To use summer, create a file like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'summer'
class Bot < Summer::Connection
Running it will make your bot attempt to connect to the server on localhost. For those of you who do not have an IRC server running locally, I would suggest trying instead.
In the same directory create a directory called config and in that put summer.yml which can have the following keys:
- nick: The nickname of the bot.
- channel: A channel to join on startup.
- channels: Channels to join on startup.
- auto_rejoin: Set this to true if you want the bot to re-join any channel it's kicked from.
Called when the bot has received the final MOTD line (376 or 422) and has finished joining all the channels.
Called when the bot receives a channel message.
sender (Hash
): Contains nick
and hostname
channel (String
): The channel name: e.g. "#logga"
message (String
): The message that was received
Called when the bot receives a private message.
sender (Hash
): Contains nick
and hostname
bot (String
): The bot's name.
message (String
): The message that was received
Called when the bot sees someone join a channel.
sender (Hash
): Contains nick
and hostname
channel (String
): The channel name: e.g. "#logga"
Called when someone parts a channel:
sender (Hash
): Contains nick
and hostname
channel (String
): The channel name: e.g. "#logga"
message (String
): The message that was received
Called when someone quits the server:
sender (Hash
): Contains nick
and hostname
message (String
): The message that was received.
Called when someone quits the server:
kicker (Hash
): Contains nick
and hostname
channel (String
): The channel name: e.g. "#logga"
victim (String
): Just the nick of whoever was kicked.
message (String
): The message that was received.
If you wish to handle raw messages that come into your bot you can define a handle_xxx
method for that where xxx
is the three-digit representation of the raw you wish to handle.
method to detect mode changes
Auto-rejoin after kick (configuration options)