Created By: Michael D. Lowis & A. Bellenir
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
This library is meant to be a collection of common data structures, implemented in C, that can be used in any C or C++ program. The goal is to implement many of the same data structures that the C++ STL provides, in pure C.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all code and documentation contained within this repository is released under the BSD 2-Clause license. The text for this license can be found in the file.
A POSIX-compliant implementation of Make and a C99 compatible compiler (appearing as the command "c99" in the path) are all that is required to build this project.
The build is configured to build using c99 with POSIX-compliant tools and settings by default. These settings can be overridden using the file in the root of the project. This file contains a number of commented out macros which can be uncommented and adjusted to provide a variety of useful features for development.
Simply execute make from the root to run all tests and build the library: