RACER is a C++/OpenMP program that corrects sequencing errors in high-throughput DNA sequencing data, especially designed for the Illumina platform. It does not require any additional software. To run RACER use the command:
< RACER > < inputReads > < correctedReads > < genomeLength >
< RACER > is the executable
< inputReads > is the input file containin the reads; fasta or fastq
< correctedReads > will contain the corrected reads at the end
< genomeLength > is the approximate length of the DNA molecule that originated the reads, such as the genome length in a whole genome sequencing project
-if only parts of a genome were sequenced, then only the total length of those parts should be used (instead of the length of the total genome)
-precise value is not necessary, an approximation will work well
###CITE If you find RACER program useful, please cite the RACER paper:
L. Ilie, M. Molnar RACER: Rapid and accurate correction of errors in reads Bioinformatics, 2013