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This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced
Research Project Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR0011-18-C-0013. 
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BESSPIN Government Furnished Equipment (GFE)

Source files and build scripts for generating and testing the BESSPIN GFE.

Please refer to the GFE System Description pdf for a high-level overview of the system.

Table of contents

Getting Started

To update from a previous release, please follow the instructions below, starting with Update Dependencies.

Pre-built images are available in the bitstreams folder. Use these, if you want to quickly get started. This documentation walks through the process of building and testing a bitstream. It suggests how to modify the GFE with your own processor.

Setup OS (Debian Buster)

Before installing the GFE for the first time, please perform a clean install of Debian 10 ("Buster") on the development and testing hosts. This is the supported OS for building and testing the GFE.

Install Vivado

Download and install Vivado 2019.1. This is a change from previous versions of the GFE, which used Vivado 2017.4. The new version is needed to support bitstream generation for designs using the PCIe bus. A license key for the tool is included on a piece of paper in the box containing the VCU118. See Vivado UG973 for download and installation instructions.

The GFE only requires the Vivado tool, not the SDK, so download the Vivado Design Suite - HLx 2019.1 from the Vivado Download Page. You must make an account with Vivado in order to register the tool and install the license. After installing Vivado, you must also install libtinfo5 for Debian to run the tool. Install this dependency by running sudo apt-get install libtinfo5.

If you've already installed FTDI cable drivers and udev rules with a previous version of Vivado or Vivado Lab, they should still work with the new version. If necessary, they can be (re)installed from the new version:

cd /opt/Xilinx/Vivado_Lab/2019.1/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_drivers/
sudo ./install_drivers
cd -

If using separate development and testing machines, only the development machine needs a license in order to build new bitstreams. We recommend installing Vivado Lab on the testing machine because it does not require a license and is solely used to program the FPGA.

Clone this Repo

Once the OS is installed, you will need to add an ssh key to your Galois GitLab account in order to clone the GFE repo. These instructions have more details.

After setting up an ssh key, clone this repo by running

git clone [email protected]:ssith/gfe.git
cd gfe

Update Dependencies

The GFE relies on several nested Git submodules to provide processor sources and RISC-V development tools.

Because some of these submodules contain redundant copies of the toolchain, we provide a script to initialize only those necessary for GFE development.


As of Release 4.2, Nix is no longer required to run GFE software. The Nix shell from release 3 of the tool-suite project can still be used if desired, but tool-suite is no longer a submodule of GFE. The script below will install necessary system packages using apt.

The script will build a GFE-specific development version of riscv-openocd from the included submodule, placing an executable in /usr/local/bin/openocd.

The script downloads a 1.1GB archive containing pre-built copies of both the newlib (riscv64-unknown-elf-*) and Linux (riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-*) variants of the GNU toolchain, which should be unpacked into /opt/riscv after backing up any files which may already exist there. The archive is served from Google Drive. If you cannot access it, try downloading the file from Galois' OwnCloud service, using this link in your browser, and saving the archive in the install directory.

The scripts should be run directly from the root of this repo:

sudo ./install/
sudo ./install/
(cd install; sudo ./
# WARNING: tar will overwrite any existing /opt/riscv/ tree!
sudo tar -C / -xf install/riscv-gnu-toolchains.tar.gz

The riscv32-unknown-elf-* tools are not included in this /opt/riscv tree, as they are now redundant. The tools labeled 64 all work with 32-bit binaries, although they may require explicit flags (such as -march=rv32gc for gcc) to get the behaviors that were implicit defaults of the corresponding 32 versions.

Finally, make the GNU toolchains and Vivado Lab 2019.1 available to all users by running this script:

sudo ./install/

You may want to verify that the new version of the vivado_lab program is available in your normal user shell:

vivado_lab -version

Configure Network

Your GFE host PC should reserve one ethernet interface to connect directly to the ethernet adapter onboard the VCU118, with static IP address This is required by the Linux and FreeRTOS networking tests. Detailed setup instructions are included in the install directory.

Building the Bitstream

To build your own bitstream, make sure Vivado 2019.1 is on your path ($ which vivado) and run the following commands:

./ chisel_p1 # generate vivado/soc_chisel_p1/soc_chisel_p1.xpr
./ chisel_p1 # generate bitstreams/soc_chisel_p1.bit

where GFE_REPO is the top level directory for the GFE repository. If you pass the filename of a binary image as an optional second parameter to, the boot ROM for the SoC will be configured to securely boot that binary image. See the secure boot instructions for more information.

To view the project in the Vivado GUI, run the following:

cd $GFE_REPO/vivado
vivado soc_chisel_p1/soc_chisel_p1.xpr should only be run once. We also recommend running for the initial build then performing future builds using the Vivado GUI to take advantage of convenient error reporting and visibility into the build process. The Vivado project will be generated in the $GFE_REPO/vivado/soc_$proc_name folder of the repository and can be re-opened there. Note that all the same commands can be run with the argument bluespec_p1 to generate the Bluespec P1 bitstream and corresponding Vivado project (i.e., ./ bluespec_p1).

Note: when you build a SoC project, whether with or the Vivado GUI, it will take the boot ROM from the bootrom-configured directory. This allows you to modify the boot ROM after project configuration (by, for example, manually changing the checksum and length of the binary image a secure boot ROM should boot). However, it also means that you must be careful when building a SoC project, if you have run multiple times, to ensure that it builds with the boot ROM you expect.

All bitstreams generated using processor names of the form {bluespec,chisel}_p{1,2,3} build a system with SVF but no PCIe root complex.

Release 5.1 adds two new bitstreams - chisel_p2_pcie.bit and bluespec_p2_pcie.bit. These are FPGA systems with a PCIe root complex and no SVF. For example, run the following to build chisel_p2_pcie.bit:

./ chisel_p2_pcie # generate vivado/soc_chisel_p1/soc_chisel_p2_pcie.xpr
vivado/soc_chisel_p2_pcie/soc_chisel_p2_pcie.xpr ./ chisel_p2_pcie # generate bitstreams/soc_chisel_p2_pcie.bit

Vivado run complexity is significantly reduced by eliminating builds instantiating both a PCIe root complex and a PCIe endpoint. There is no loss in capability since the SVF flow control reduces the RISC-V instruction bandwidth to a level where the PCIe root firmware can't run.

This PCIe root complex build option is not provided for P1, which doesn't support Linux, or for P3 whose frequency is too low to support PCIe root complex operation).

Storing a Bitstream in Flash Memory

See flash-scripts/README for directions on how to write a bitstream to flash on the VCU118. This is optional, and allows the FPGA to be programmed from flash on power-up.

As of the GFE 5.0 release, the ability to store bitstreams in flash is not functional. See #141 for updates on the re-introduction of this feature.


We include some automated tests for the GFE. The script programs the FPGA with an appropriate bitstream, tests the GDB connection to the FPGA then runs the appropriate ISA and operating system tests. To check that you have properly setup the GFE, or to test a version you have modified yourself, run the following steps:

  1. Give the current user access to the serial and JTAG devices.
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER
sudo reboot
  1. Connect micro USB cables to JTAG and UART on the the VCU118. This enables programming, debugging, and UART communication.
  2. Make sure the VCU118 is powered on (fan should be running)
  3. Add Vivado or Vivado Lab to your path (i.e. source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado_Lab/2019.1/
  4. Run ./ chisel_p1 from the top level of the GFE repo. Replace chisel_p1 with your processor of choice. This command will program the FPGA and run the appropriate tests for that processor.

A passing test will not display any error messages. All failing tests will report errors and stop early.


For Verilator simulation instructions, see verilator_simulators/README. To build and run ISA tests on a simulated GFE processor, run, e.g.,

./ bluespec_p1 --sim

Manually Running FreeRTOS

To run FreeRTOS on the GFE, you'll need to run OpenOCD, connect to GDB, and view the UART output in Minicom. First, install Minicom and build the FreeRTOS demo.

sudo apt-get install minicom

cd FreeRTOS-mirror/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_Galois_P1

# for simple blinky demo
make clean; PROG=main_blinky make

# for full demo
make clean; PROG=main_full make

We expect to see warnings about memory alignment and timer demo functions when compiling.

Follow these steps to run FreeRTOS with an interactive GDB session:

  1. Reset the SoC by pressing the CPU_RESET button (SW5) on the VCU118 before running FreeRTOS.

  2. Run OpenOCD to connect to the RISC-V core you have running on the FPGA: openocd -f $GFE_REPO/testing/targets/ssith_gfe.cfg. Note: openocd will fail if it cannot connect over JTAG, e.g. if Vivado programmer is still active.

  3. In a new terminal, run Minicom with minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 115200. ttyUSB1 should be replaced with whichever USB port is connected to the VCU118's USB-to-UART bridge.

    Settings can be configured by running minicom -s and selecting Serial Port Setup and then Bps/Par/Bits. The UART is configured to have 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity bits, and a baud rate of 115200.

  4. In a new shell, run GDB with riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb -x bootmem/startup.gdb $GFE_REPO/FreeRTOS-mirror/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_Galois_P1/main_blinky.elf, where main_blinky should be the name of the demo you have compiled and want to run. The startup gdb script resets the SoC and connects gdb to OpenOCD.

  5. To run, type c or continue.

The expected output from simple blinky test is:

[0]: Hello from RX
[0]: Hello from TX
[1] TX: awoken
[1] RX: received value
Blink !!!
[1]: Hello from RX
[1] TX: sent
[1]: Hello from TX
[2] TX: awoken
[2] RX: received value
Blink !!!
[2]: Hello from RX
[2] TX: sent
[2]: Hello from TX
[3] TX: awoken
[3] RX: received value
Blink !!!

The expected output from full test is:

Starting main_full

If you see error messages, then something went wrong.

To run any .elf file on the GFE, you can use ./ $cpu --elf $elffile --timeout $val where $cpu is the processor bitstream you want to use, and $val is the duration in seconds for how long the program is run after loading. You can skip loading the bitfile using --no-bitstream argument. If you are waiting for a specific output from the program, you can use --expected $contents argument - this will lead to an early exit once the $contents$ are received (useful for example for running benchmarks we are not sure how long they run). in $GFE_REPO/testing/scripts/. It can be run using python path_to_elf/file.elf. By default the program waits 0.5 seconds before printing what it has received from UART, but this can be changed by using the --runtime X argument where X is the number of seconds to wait.

Running FreeRTOS + TCP/IP stack

Details about the FreeRTOS TCP/IP stack can be found here. We provide a small example, demonstrating the ICMP (ping), UDP, and TCP functionality.

Our setup is below:

----------------------------------                       ---------------------------------------
|    HOST COMPUTER               |                       |      FPGA Board                     |
|    Static IP                   |    Ethernet cable     |      Static IP                      |
|    IP:              |<=====================>|      IP:                 |
|    Netmask:      |                       |      MAC: 00:0A:35:04:DB:77         |
----------------------------------                       ---------------------------------------

If you want to replicate our setup you should:

  1. On your host machine, set up a static IP for the network interface connecting to the FPGA
  2. If you have only one FPGA on the network, then you can leave the MAC address as is, otherwise change it to the MAC address of the particular board (there is a sticker on the FPGA board next to the Ethernet adapter).
  3. If you change the host IP, reflect the changes accordingly in FreeRTOSIPConfig

Follow the steps below:

  1. Program your FPGA with a P1 bitstream: ./ chisel_p1 NOTE: If you have already programmed the FPGA, at least restart it before continuing to make sure it is in a good state.
  2. Start openocd with openocd -f $GFE_REPO/testing/targets/ssith_gfe.cfg
  3. Connect the FPGA Ethernet port with the host ethernet port
  4. Go to the demo directory: cd FreeRTOS-mirror/FreeRTOS/Demo/RISC-V_Galois_P1
  5. Generate main_tcp.elf binary: export PROG=main_tcp; make clean; make
  6. Start GDB: riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb main_tcp.elf
  7. in your GDB session type: target remote localhost:3333
  8. in your GDB session type: load
  9. start Minicom: minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 115200
  10. in your GDB session type: continue
  11. In Minicom, you will see a bunch of debug prints. The interesting piece is when you get:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway Address:
DNS Server Address:

which means the FreeRTOS has the network interface up and is ready to communicate. 12) Open a new terminal, and type ping (or whatever is the FPGA's IP address) - you should see something like this:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=14.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=9.22 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=8.85 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=8.84 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=8.85 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=8.83 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=8.83 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.838/9.663/14.183/1.851 ms

That means ping is working and your FPGA is responding.

  1. Now open another terminal and run TCP Echo server at port 9999: ncat -l 9999 --keep-open --exec "/bin/cat" -v Note that this will work only if your TCP Echo server is at (or you updated the config file). After a few seconds, you will see something like this:
$ ncat -l 9999 --keep-open --exec "/bin/cat" -v
Ncat: Version 7.60 ( )
Ncat: Generating a temporary 1024-bit RSA key. Use --ssl-key and --ssl-cert to use a permanent one.
Ncat: SHA-1 fingerprint: 2EDF 34C4 1F16 FF89 0AE1 6B1B F236 D933 A4DD 030E
Ncat: Listening on :::9999
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
  1. [Optional] start wireshark and inspect the interface that is at the same network as the FPGA. You should clearly see the ICMP ping requests and responses, as well as the TCP packets to and from the echo server. 16) [Optional] Send a UDP packet with socat stdio udp4-connect: <<< "Hello there". In the Minicom output, you should see prvSimpleZeroCopyServerTask: received $N bytes depending on how much data you send. Hint: instead of Minicom, you can use cat /dev/ttyUSB1 > log.txt to redirect the serial output into a log file for later inspection.


If something doesn't work, then:

  1. check that your connection is correct (e.g., if you have a DHCP server, it is enabled in the FreeRTOS config, or that your static IP is correct)
  2. sometimes restarting the FPGA with CPU_RESET button (or typing reset in GDB) will help
  3. Check out our Issue - maybe you have a problem we already know about.

Running Linux - Debian or Busybox

Creating Debian Image

Before starting, there are several necessary packages to install. Run:

apt-get install libssl-dev debian-ports-archive-keyring binfmt-support qemu-user-static mmdebstrap

The debian directory includes several scripts for creating a Debian image and a simple Makefile to run them. Running make debian from $GFE_REPO/bootmem will perform all the steps of creating the image. If you want to make modifications to the chroot and then build the image, you can do the following:

# Using the scripts
cd $GFE_REPO/debian

# Create chroot and compress cpio archive
sudo ./

# Enter chroot
sudo chroot riscv64-chroot/

# ... Make modifications to the chroot ...

# Remove apt-cache and list files to decrease image size if desired

# Exit chroot

# Recreate the cpio.gz image
sudo ./

# Build kernel and bbl
cd $GFE_REPO/bootmem
make debian

To decrease the size of the image, some language man pages, documentation, and locale files are removed. This results in warnings about locale settings and man files that are expected.

If you want to install more packages than what is included, run sudo ./ package1 package2 and substitute package1 and package2 with all the packages you want to install. Then recreate the cpio.gz image and run make debian as described above. If installing or removing packages manually rather than with the script, use apt-get to install or remove any packages from within the chroot and run ./clean_chroot from within the chroot afterwards.

The bbl image is located at $GFE_REPO/bootmem/build-bbl/bbl and can be loaded and run using GDB. The default root password is riscv.

A memory image is also created that can be loaded into the flash ROM on the FPGA at $GFE_REPO/bootmem/bootmem.bin

Creating Busybox Image

The following instructions describe how to boot Linux with Busybox.

Build the Memory Image

The default make target will build a simpler kernel with only a busybox boot environment:

cd $GFE_REPO/bootmem/

Load and Run the Memory Image

Follow these steps to run Linux and Busybox with an interactive GDB session:

  1. Reset the SoC by pressing the CPU_RESET button (SW5) on the VCU118 before running Linux.

  2. Run OpenOCD to connect to the riscv core openocd -f $GFE_REPO/testing/targets/ssith_gfe.cfg.

  3. In a new terminal, run Minicom with minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 115200. ttyUSB1 should be replaced with whichever USB port is connected to the VCU118's USB-to-UART bridge. Settings can be configured by running minicom -s and selecting Serial Port Setup and then Bps/Par/Bits.

    The UART is configured to have 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity bits, and a baud rate of 115200. In the Minicom settings, make sure hardware flow control is turned off. Otherwise, the Linux terminal may not be responsive.

  4. In a new terminal, run GDB with riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb $GFE_REPO/bootmem/build-bbl/bbl.

  5. Once GDB is open, type target remote localhost:3333 to connect to OpenOCD. OpenOCD should give a message that it has accepted a GDB connection.

  6. On Bluespec processors, run continue then interrupt the processor with Ctrl-C. The Bluespec processors start in a halted state, and need to run the first few bootrom instructions to setup a0 and a1 before booting Linux. See #40 for more details.

  7. Load the Linux image onto the processor with load. To run, type c or continue.

  8. When you've finished running Linux, make sure to reset the SoC before running other tests or programs.

    In the serial terminal you should expect to see Linux boot messages. The final message says Please press Enter to activate this console.. If you do as instructed (press enter), you will be presented with a shell running on the GFE system.

Using Ethernet on Linux

The GFE-configured Linux kernel includes the Xilinx AXI Ethernet driver. You should see the following messages in the boot log:

[    4.320000] xilinx_axienet 62100000.ethernet: assigned reserved memory node ethernet@62100000
[    4.330000] xilinx_axienet 62100000.ethernet: TX_CSUM 2
[    4.330000] xilinx_axienet 62100000.ethernet: RX_CSUM 2
[    4.340000] xilinx_axienet 62100000.ethernet: enabling VCU118-specific quirk fixes
[    4.350000] libphy: Xilinx Axi Ethernet MDIO: probed

The provided configuration of busybox includes some basic networking utilities (ifconfig, udhcpc, ping, telnet, telnetd) to get you started. Additional utilities can be compiled into busybox or loaded into the filesystem image (add them to $GFE_REPO/bootmem/_rootfs/).

Note Due to a bug when statically linking glibc into busybox, DNS resolution does not work. This will be fixed in a future GFE release either in busybox or by switching to a full Linux distro.

Note There is currently a bug in the Chisel P3 that may result in a kernel panic when using the provided Ethernet driver. A fix will be released shortly.

The Debian image provided has the iproute2 package already installed and is ready for many network environments.

DHCP IP Example

On Debian, the eth0 interface can be configured using the /etc/network/interfaces file followed by restarting the network service using systemctl.

On busybox, you must manually run the DHCP client:

/ # ifconfig eth0 up
xilinx_axienet 62100000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx
/ # udhcpc -i eth0
udhcpc: started, v1.30.1
Setting IP address on eth0
udhcpc: sending discover
udhcpc: sending select for
udhcpc: lease of obtained, lease time 259200
Setting IP address on eth0
Deleting routers
route: SIOCDELRT: No such process
Adding router
Recreating /etc/resolv.conf
 Adding DNS server

On either OS, you can run ping to test network connectivity. The expected output of this is:

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=57 time=22.107 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=57 time=20.754 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=57 time=20.908 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=57 time=20.778 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 20.754/21.136/22.107 ms
/ #

Static IP Example

Use the commands below to enable networking when a DHCP server is not available. Replace the IP and router addresses as necessary for your setup:

  • On busybox:
/ # ifconfig eth0
/ # route add dev eth0
/ # route add default gw
  • On Debian:
/ # ip addr add dev eth0
/ # ip route add dev eth0
/ # ip route add default via
/ # ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=57 time=23.320 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=57 time=20.738 ms
--- ping statistics ---
20 packets transmitted, 20 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 20.536/20.913/23.320 ms

/ #

Storing a Boot Image in Flash Memory

  1. Prepare the Linux image with either Debian or Busybox as described above.
  2. Write to flash memory on the board with the command tcl/program_flash datafile bootmem/bootmem.bin. Note that this command is run from the shell (not inside vivado).
  3. The program_flash command overwrites the FPGA's configuration. Depending on your setup, follow the relevant instructions below:
    • If a suitable P2 or P3 bitstream is also stored in flash, the board can be physically reset or cold rebooted to automatically boot into Linux.
    • Otherwise, you will have to reprogram the desired bit file using the script at this point. The processor will execute the flash image immediately.

Occasionally, the tcl/program_flash command will end with an out of memory error. As long as Program/Verify Operation successful. was printed before existing, the flash operation was completed.

There will not be any console messages while the boot image is read from flash, which could take some time for the full Debian OS.

Note that if there is a binary image in flash that is incompatible with the bitstream programmed onto the FPGA (for example, a 64-bit boot image with a P1 SoC, or a binary image with invalid instructions), the processor may not work properly. In particular, OpenOCD may fail to run. To avoid such issues, always erase flash with tcl/erase_flash when you are done working with a boot image stored in flash.

Adding in Your Processor

We recommend using the Vivado IP integrator flow to add a new processor into the GFE. This should require minimal effort to integrate the processor and this flow is already demonstrated for the Chisel and Bluespec processors. Using the integrator flow requires wrapping the processor in a Xilinx User IP block and updating the necessary IP search paths to find the new IP. The Chisel and Bluespec Vivado projects are created by sourcing the same tcl for the block diagram (soc_bd.tcl). The only difference is the location from which it pulls in the ssith_processor IP block.

The steps to add in a new processor are as follows:

  1. Duplicate the top level Verilog file mkCore_P1.v from the Chisel or Bluespec designs and modify it to instantiate the new processor. See $GFE_REPO/chisel_processors/P1/xilinx_ip/hdl/mkP1_Core.v and $GFE_REPO/bluespec-processors/P1/Piccolo/src_SSITH_P1/xilinx_ip/hdl/mkP1_Core.v for examples.

  2. Copy the component.xml file from one of the two processors and modify it to include all the paths to the RTL files for your design. See $GFE_REPO/bluespec-processors/P1/Piccolo/src_SSITH_P1/xilinx_ip/component.xml and $GFE_REPO/chisel_processors/P1/xilinx_ip/component.xml. This is the most clunky part of the process, but is relatively straight forward.

    • Copy a reference component.xml file to a new folder (i.e., cp $GFE_REPO/chisel_processors/P1/xilinx_ip/component.xml new_processor/)
    • Replace references to old Verilog files within component.xml. Replace spirit:file entries such as

    with paths to the hdl for the new processor such as:


    The paths in component.xml are relative to its parent directory (i.e., $GFE_REPO/chisel_processors/P1/xilinx_ip/).

    • Note that the component.xml file contains a set of files used for simulation (xilinx_anylanguagebehavioralsimulation_view_fileset) and another set used for synthesis. Make sure to replace or remove file entries as necessary in each of these sections.
    • Vivado discovers user IP by searching all it's IP repository paths looking for component.xml files. This is the reason for the specific name. This file fully describes the new processor's IP block and can be modified through a GUI if desired using the IP packager flow. It is easier to start with an example component.xml file to ensure the port naming and external interfaces match those used by the block diagram.
  3. Add your processor to $GFE_REPO/tcl/proc_mapping.tcl. Add a line here to include the mapping between your processor name and directory containing the component.xml file. This mapping is used by the soc.tcl build script.

    vim tcl/proc_mapping.tcl
    # Add line if component.xml lives at ../new_processor/component.xml
    + dict set proc_mapping new_processor "../new_processor"

    The mapping path is relative to the $GFE_REPO/tcl path

  4. Create a new Vivado project with your new processor by running the following:

    cd $GFE_REPO
    ./ new_processor

    new_processor is the name specified in the $GFE_REPO/tcl/proc_mapping.tcl file.

  5. Synthesize and build the design using the normal flow. Note that users will have to update the User IP as prompted in the GUI after each modification to the component.xml file or reference Verilog files.

All that is required (and therefore tracked by git) to create a Xilinx User IP block is a component.xml file and the corresponding Verilog source files. If using the Vivado GUI IP packager, the additional project collateral does not need to be tracked by git.

Modifying the GFE

To save changes to the block diagram in git (everything outside the SSITH Processor IP block), please open the block diagram in Vivado and run write_bd_tcl -force ../tcl/soc_bd.tcl. Additionally, update tcl/soc.tcl to add any project settings.

Rebuilding the Chisel and Bluespec Processors

The compiled Verilog from the latest Chisel and Bluespec build is stored in git to enable building the FPGA bitstream right away. To rebuild the Bluespec processor, follow the directions in bluespec-processors/P1/Piccolo/ To rebuild the Chisel processor for the GFE, run the following commands

cd chisel_processors/P1

Tandem Verification

Below are instructions for setting up Tandem verification on the GFE. For more information on the trace collected by Tandem Verification see trace-protocol.pdf.

Establishing the PCIe Link

Begin by compiling the provided version of the bluenoc executable and kernel module:

$ # Install Kernel Headers
$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
$ cd bluenoc/drivers
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../bluenoc
$ make

Next, program the FPGA with a tandem-verification enabled bitstream: ./ bluespec_p2

Note: This process is motherboard-dependent.

If using the prescribed MSI motherboard in your host machine, you will need to power the VCU118 externally using the supplied power brick. You must be able to fully shut down the computer while maintaining power to the FPGA. Turn off your host machine and then turn it back on.

On computers with Asus motherboards (and potentially others), a warm reboot may be all that is necessary.

After the cold or warm reboot, run the bluenoc utility to determine if the PCIe link has been established:

$ cd bluenoc/bluenoc
$ ./bluenoc
Found BlueNoC device at /dev/bluenoc_1
  Board number:     1
  Board:            Xilinx VCU118 (A118)
  BlueNoC revision: 1.0
  Build number:     34908
  Timestamp:        Wed Dec 21 13:41:31 2016
  SceMi Clock:      41.67 MHz
  Network width:    4 bytes per beat
  Content ID:       5ce000600080000
  Debug level:      OFF
  Profiling:        OFF
  PCIe Link:        ENABLED
  BlueNoC Link:     ENABLED
  BlueNoC I/F:      READY
  Memory Sub-Sys:   ENABLED

After the link has been established, you may reprogram the FPGA with other TV-enabled bitstreams and re-establish the PCIe link with just a warm reboot. If you program a bitstream that does not include the tandem verification hardware, you may need to follow the cold reboot procedure to re-establish the link later on.

For some but not all motherboards, once the link has beeen established, it might be possible to reprogram the FPGA with another TV-enabled bitstream and re-establish the link without a warm reboot. After reprogramming, the commands

cd bluenoc/bluenoc

might be all that is necessary.

Capturing asd Verifying Traces

Information about these activities may be found in the separate document

PCI Express Root Complex

PCIe-Enabled Bitstreams

Two bistreams are provided - chisel_p2_pcie.bit and bluespec_p2_pcie.bit Note that the PCIe bitstreams can be run only with a full PCIe hardware setup (FMC Card + PCIe peripheral, or FMC Card + PCIe expansion set), having only the FMC card is not enough.

PCIe Hardware Setup

To utilize the PCIe root port, the following hardware setup is required:

  • Install the FMC card (HiTech Global HTG-FMC-PCIE) into J22 on the VCU118. This is the FMC connector on the left, when viewing the VCU118 with the PCIe edge connector pointing downward, as shown below: FMC jumper configuration
  • Install a jumper between JP3 and JP4 on the PCIe FMC card.
  • Set switch S2 to the position labeled FMC (away from the FMC connector) as shown below: FMC card configuration
  • Connect the USB controller card into J1 on HTG-FMC-PCIE (the edge connector on the FMC card): PCIe root complex with USB PCIe card
  • Alternatively, connect the Ethernet card into J1 on HTG-FMC-PCIE (the edge connector on the FMC card): PCIe root complex with Ethernet PCIe card
  • Alternatively, a PCIe expansion chassis may be connected to the FMC card by way of expansion cards and cable.

PCIe Reset

Every time a bitfile is loaded, prior to loading the bitfile, the PCIe bus must be reset by pressing S1 on HTG-FMC-PCIE (the RESET PCIE button on the FMC card).

PCIe Testing


  • If you are testing the ethernet card, you have to first bring the interface up
  • Then you have to assign it a static IP address (busybox currently doesn't support DHCP)


  • We tested the USB card with a genetic USB keyboard, USB mouse and a USB memory stick.
  • If you plug in a keyboard or a mice, and want to see if it works, type dd if=/dev/input/event0 | od in the busybox terminal, and you should see numbers rolling on the screen as you press keys/move the mouse. The numbers are decoded events coming from the devices.

Baseline Performance


Run the ./ script to get numbers measured by Vivado, for example:

$ ./ vivado/soc_bluespec_p1/soc_bluespec_p1.runs/impl_1/
{"power_W": 0.25, "CLB_LUTs": 90341, "CLB_regs": 118324, "cpu_Mhz": 50.0}

Baseline values as of GFE 4.x release:

processor power_W CLB_LUTs CLB_regs cpu_Mhz
Bluespec P1 0.25 90341 118324 50.0
Bluespec P2 0.302 121254 128260 100.0
Bluespec P3 0.365 343698 250477 25.0
Chisel P1 0.267 84043 113347 50.0
Chisel P2 0.457 131524 188846 100.0
Chisel P3 0.37 188629 156332 25.0

LLVM and Clang for RISC-V

Support for the RISC-V architecture in LLVM and Clang graduated to "stable" in upstream releases as of LLVM 9.0 (Sep'19). You are recommended to use upstream LLVM and Clang unless directed otherwise (e.g. to temporarily use a downstream branch that includes additional yet-to-be-upstreamed fixes). As such, the LLVM getting started documentation is a good source on how to checkout and build the project.

If developing your own patches for LLVM, you should develop those either on top of the most recent release branch or on the master branch and regularly rebase or merge in changes (the trade-offs between the two approaches have been discussed extensively within the LLVM community). If simply using Clang/LLVM, building and using the 10.0 release branch is recommended:

git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout release/10.x
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lld" \
  -DLLVM_APPEND_VC_REV=False ../../llvm
cmake --build .

LLVM binaries will be produced in the build/bin directory.

When building software with Clang, as with GCC, you are advised to pass explicit -march and -mabi arguments to specify the RISC-V ISA string and target ABI. In addition to these, you should pass:

  • --target=... to specify the target triple. e.g. riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu (for 64-bit Linux targets) or riscv32-unknown-elf (for 32-bit bare metal).
  • --gcc-toolchain=... to specify the location of a built RISC-V GCC toolchain. Clang uses this to identify the location of the GNU linker and compiler support libraries like libgcc. Avoiding this dependnecy, using LLD and compiler-rt can be done and is being used successfully in the FreeBSD community, but has not yet seen the same degree of testing as this approach.
  • --sysroot=... to specify the location of the sysroot containing headers, libraries, etc for the target.


BESSPIN Government Furnished Equipment (GFE).







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