A proxy for miRNA/isomiR data analysis where all tools meet with the idea to create an ecosystem of data analysis promoting community collaboration.
As discussed here: miRTop/incubator#10 we've defined a GFF3 format for output of small RNA pipelines focused on miRNA data currently. We is an open community project (read more) and joint us!
This output is based on the current GFF3 definition: https://github.com/The-Sequence-Ontology/Specifications/blob/master/gff3.md
Note: Keep in mind this is for the output of a pipeline, so we know there will be bias toward methodology, but the idea is to put enough information to be able to re-analyze or filter sequences using information described here. As well, it would be a proxy for downstream analysis or packages.
Developers of miRNA detection and annotation tools can open their results to other tools and communities using this format.
Developers of downstream analysis can use the output from any supported annotation tool to work on variant calling, visualization, filtering, ensemble strategy to call isomiRs, etc ...
If you want to fo fast, go alone; If you want to go far, go together
by Tracy Teal (Data Carpenter CEO, GCC BOSC 2018) see slides
Authors: @lpantano @gurgese @ThomasDesvignes @mhalushka @mlhack @keilbeck @BastianFromm @ivlachos @TJU-CMC @sbb25
Share any questions and/or suggestions
Compatible tools
- miRGe2.0
- bcbio - seqbuster(miraligner)
- sRNAbench
- isomiR-SEA
- isomiRs
Make your tool compatible, open an issue today!
We have created mirtop
to help with the format:
- Convert to GFF
- Convert from GFF
- Validator
Link to the tool: https://mirtop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Submitted to EDAM Ontology
- FAIRsharing: https://fairsharing.org/bsg-s001218
Note: if you presented this work, please chime in this issue # TODO missing link
1: Desvignes T, EIlbeck K, S. Vlachos I et al. miRTOP: An open source community project for the development of a unified format file for miRNA data [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2018, 7(ISCB Comm J):953 (slides) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1115724.1)