daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for storage, analysis, manipulation and visualization of data in Ruby.
daru makes it easy and intuitive to process data predominantly through 2 data structures: Daru::DataFrame
and Daru::Vector
. Written in pure Ruby works with all ruby implementations. Tested with MRI 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.
- Data structures:
- Vector - A basic 1-D vector.
- DataFrame - A 2-D spreadsheet-like structure for manipulating and storing data sets. This is daru's primary data structure.
- Compatible with IRuby notebook, statsample, statsample-glm and statsample-timeseries.
- Support for time series.
- Singly and hierarchically indexed data structures.
- Flexible and intuitive API for manipulation and analysis of data.
- Easy plotting, statistics and arithmetic.
- Plentiful iterators.
- Optional speed and space optimization on MRI with NMatrix and GSL.
- Easy splitting, aggregation and grouping of data.
- Quickly reducing data with pivot tables for quick data summary.
- Import and export data from and to Excel, CSV, SQL Databases, ActiveRecord and plain text files.
$ gem install daru
- Overview of most daru functions
- Basic Creation of Vectors and DataFrame
- Detailed Usage of Daru::Vector
- Detailed Usage of Daru::DataFrame
- Searching and combining data in daru
- Grouping, Splitting and Pivoting Data
- Usage of Categorical Data
- Visualizing Data With Daru::DataFrame
- Plotting using Nyaplot
- Plotting using GnuplotRB
- Vector plotting with Gruff
- DataFrame plotting with Gruff
- Logistic Regression Analysis with daru and statsample-glm
- Finding and Plotting most heard artists from a Last.fm dataset
- Analyzing baby names with daru
- Example usage of Categorical Data
- Example usage of Categorical Index
- Data Analysis in RUby: Basic data manipulation and plotting
- Data Analysis in RUby: Splitting, sorting, aggregating data and data types
- Finding and Combining data in daru
daru exposes two major data structures: DataFrame
and Vector
. The Vector is a basic 1-D structure corresponding to a labelled Array, while the DataFrame
- daru's primary data structure - is 2-D spreadsheet-like structure for manipulating and storing data sets.
Basic DataFrame intitialization.
data_frame = Daru::DataFrame.new(
'Beer' => ['Kingfisher', 'Snow', 'Bud Light', 'Tiger Beer', 'Budweiser'],
'Gallons sold' => [500, 400, 450, 200, 250]
index: ['India', 'China', 'USA', 'Malaysia', 'Canada']
Load data from CSV files.
df = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv('TradeoffData.csv')
Basic Data Manipulation
Selecting rows.
Selecting columns.
A range of rows.
The first 2 rows.
The last 2 rows.
Adding a new column.
data_frame['Gallons produced'] = [550, 500, 600, 210, 240]
Creating a new column based on data in other columns.
data_frame['Demand supply gap'] = data_frame['Gallons produced'] - data_frame['Gallons sold']
Condition based selection
Selecting countries based on the number of gallons sold in each. We use a syntax similar to that defined by Arel, i.e. by using the where
data_frame.where(data_frame['Gallons sold'].lt(300))
You can pass a combination of boolean operations into the #where
method and it should work fine:
.in(['Snow', 'Kingfisher','Tiger Beer'])
data_frame['Gallons produced'].gt(520).or(data_frame['Gallons produced'].lt(250))
Daru supports plotting of interactive graphs with nyaplot. You can easily create a plot with the #plot
method. Here we plot the gallons sold on the Y axis and name of the brand on the X axis in a bar graph.
data_frame.plot type: :bar, x: 'Beer', y: 'Gallons sold' do |plot, diagram|
plot.x_label "Beer"
plot.y_label "Gallons Sold"
plot.yrange [0,600]
plot.width 500
plot.height 400
In addition to nyaplot, daru also supports plotting out of the box with gnuplotrb.
Docs can be found here.
Pick a feature from the Roadmap or the issue tracker or think of your own and send me a Pull Request!
For details see CONTRIBUTING.
- Google and the Ruby Science Foundation for the Google Summer of Code 2016 grant for speed enhancements and implementation of support for categorical data. Special thanks to @lokeshh, @zverok and @agisga for their efforts.
- Google and the Ruby Science Foundation for the Google Summer of Code 2015 grant for further developing daru and integrating it with other ruby gems.
- Thank you last.fm for making user data accessible to the public.
Copyright (c) 2015, Sameer Deshmukh All rights reserved