Supportive repo of CNSM 2023 paper: Federated Scheduling of Fog-native Applications over Multi-Domain Edge-to-Cloud Ecosystem
Three costs are incurred in such an ecosystem: first is the cost of scheduling (i.e. placing) a microservice at a fog node,
Note that in scenarios where green energy is more expensive,
Parameter | Setting |
{$10^{-2}, 10^{-3}, 10^{-2}, 1$} | |
Number of workflows | |
Number of microservices per workflow | |
Workflow graph | Hub & Spoke of 5 and 10 microservices (H&S_5 and H&S_10) |
Average task size per microservice [mCPU] | [100 - 200] |
Average input/output data per microservice [Mb] | [0.4, 8.0] |
Average response time tolerance [msec] | [30 - 150] |
Fog nodes (cloud:$t_1$, cloudlet:$t_2$, edge:$t_3$) | {t1:2, t2:3, t3:4} |
Number of users per access node | [500, 2000] |
Number of access nodes | 11 |
Average request rate per access node [request/s] | 1000 |
Average CPU capacity per node [mCPUs] | {t1:[106 - 107], t2:[105 - 106], t3:[104 - 105]} |
Average CPU energy price per node [PpmCPU] | {t1:[10-5 - 10-4], t2:[10-4 - 10-3], t3:[10-3 - 10-2]} |
Average fraction of supply of green energy | {t1:[0.7-0.9], t2:[0.5-0.7], t3:[0.3-0.5]} |
Average bandwidth capacity per path [Mb/s] | {t1:[105 - 106], t2:[104 - 105], t3:[103 - 104]} |
Average link length [Km] | {t1:[10-100], t2:[1-10], t3:[0.5-1]} |
Figure 2 (c) shows the range of mPoP placements of iBADMM (direct) between
Figure 3 (c) shows that for resource intensive workflows of critical latency, iBADMM (direct) nears or violates the latency threshold. This is because of the pull towards the edge, which results in exhausting CPU resources and considerably increasing processing latency. Figure 3 (d) show iBADMM to achieve consistently high workflow greenness of
Figure 3 (d): Workflow greenness
[11] M. AL-Naday, T. Goethals, and B. Volckaert, “Intent-based decentralized orchestration for green energy-aware provisioning of fog-native work- flows,” in 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2022, pp. 184–190.