Documenting and tracking current issues of NeTEx transit data feeds.
Data, just like software, may have issues. But while for (open source) software such errors are dealt with openly and transparently, this happens rather seldom for data issues: errors are reported by e-mail to the person responsible for the data and then (hopefully) eventually get fixed.
This is also the case for NeTEx data, which is published by transport associations.
Since the open data platforms commonly used for publishing today usually don't provide "issue trackers" for reporting and tracking data errors, we have started (hopefully only temporarily) this GitHub project.
For published NeTEx feeds, e.g. the German DELFI e.V. NeTEx feed, we want to document known data issues here and make them traceable. Anyone who finds an error in the data is invited to post it here. Ideally, the transport associations will use this platform to provide information regarding the error and how to fix it. Until we achieve this goal, we ask anyone who reports an error here to also report it to the transportation association and document new information here.
If you have found an error in the data, check, if it was already reported. If yes, you might add your comments and concerns there, if not, create a new issue. Prepend the abbreviation of the transport authority or company in the title.
Describe the problem as precisely as possible, if necessary with a short extract from the NeTEx data, a picture or the error message of a validator. Ideally, if an issues can be identified using an automated check, e.g. an SQL statement, provide such a check allowing to reproduce the issue.
If the transport authority/transport company is not already watching this project, also report the error by mail to the responsible data managers.
If you receive new information from the transit agency/company, or the data has been corrected, update your issue with the summarized information or close your issue created here.