This is a program made to generate art. It has a spirograph mode and a random walk mode, and various different color modes.
VARS - see the current settings and palette. DEL - exit. CLEAR - clear the screen to black. Modes: Mode - Toggle between modes without changing and values Y= - Spirograph mode, resets, angle = 9; speed = 6; Window - Random walk mode, resets, angle = 45; speed = 5; Colors: Multiply - Toggle change turtle colors Divide - Toggle palette shift Comma - Rainbow palette Sin - Monochromatic color->black (current color value used as H in HSV, V is spectrum), switches palette direction if already selected Cos - Monochromatic color->white (current color value used as H in HSV, S is spectrum), switches palette direction if already selected Tan - Cycles through a spectrum of palettes Apps - Monochromatic gray, switches palette direction if already selected Left paren - Subtracts 16 from the main color the palette is built from Left paren - Adds 16 from the main color the palette is built from Turtles: Up - Increase speed Down - Decrease speed Left - Decrease angle Right - Increase angle 0 - Teleport turtles to center Decimal - Move turtles to random location 1 - Set the turtles color to index 1 of the palette 2 - Give turtles a random color 3 - Spread the palette across the number of turtles 4 - angle = 9; speed = 6; 5 - angle = 60; speed = 20; 6 - angle = 90; speed = 20; 7 - angle = 45; speed = 5; 8 - angle = 180; speed = 10; 9 - angle = 1; speed = 1; (-) Negative - Give turltles random speed and angle Plus - Add a turtle Minus - Remove a turtle Enter - Pause or Run the turtles