- Speaks fluent HTTP, even the errors
- Pluggable Architecture (so that you can use any authentication algorithms you like)
- Cascading Merb::Authentication (if one method fails, another is attempted, then another. When no methods succeed, authentication fails)
- Sessions are authenticated
- Just because one method of authentication fails doesn’t mean the session, can’t be authenticated another way. This is especially true if your application has an external API as well as a public interface.
- HTTP has built-in Errors which every web-browser (should) know how to speak. If you’re application speaks in HTTP Verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), it should also serve the correct HTTP Errors when things go wrong.
The merb-auth gem is the default implementation of merb-auth-core and merb-auth-more for
the default Merb Stack. Included are:
merb-auth-slice-password # A basic slice that provides login and logout functionality
:default_password_form # Form based login via a “login” field and “password” field
:default_basic_auth # Basic authentication
redirect_back # For redirect_back_or functionality
salted_user # Automtaically provides the required methods on your user model
merb-auth is bundled with the merb gem. To get it as stand alone you can get it two ways.
Gem Style
sudo gem install merb-auth
From Source
git clone http://github.com/wycats/merb.git
cd merb/merb-auth
sudo rake install
When you generate your application with merb-gen app my_app
your almost ready to go.
You’ll need something to protect merb-gen resource foos
You’ll need to make your database: rake db:automigrate
Also you need a user
$ merb -i
>> u = User.new(:login => "homer")
>> u.password = u.password_confirmation = "sekrit"
>> u.save
No you should setup authentication for the things you want to protect:
# config/router.rb
authenticate do
resources :foos
You can protect your controller at an action level also
# app/controllers/foos.rb
before :ensure_authenticated
Fire It Up!
In the Merb.root/merb/merb-auth directory there are a couple of files that
are generated for you by the stack generator. These are setup.rb
and strategies.rb
By default these setup merb-auth to work with the default stack. To customize it,
modify these two files to get the results you want. Serialize in and out of the session,
change the user model for use with the default strategies.
You can of course not use the default strategies and declare your own, or mix and match them.
Configure your routes in the config/router.rb file.