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A minimalistic frontend web framework that builds on Mithril.


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About Mithril Coat

Mithril Coat is a utility library for mithril and provides two tools built on top of mithril:

  • A lightweight library around Mithril that provides some conveniences including a pub sub system using the excellent pubsub-js.
  • A templating language that uses HTML tags that compiles to mithril templates.

Mithril Coat's only requirement is jQuery.


To install the front-end package via bower bower install mithril-coat.

To install the template compiler npm install mithril-coat -g.

Mithril Coat

Mithril Coat exposes its API via the global variable coat. Mithril Coats API is organized into _ components:

* Modules
* Routers
* Views
    * Base Views
    * Templated Views
* Controllers
* Models
* Util

A few notions around mithril coat that don't have to be strictly followed are:

  • views should never manipulate state
  • state should only be manipulated by controllers
  • views should not call methods on controllers and vice versa
  • views and controllers should interact via mithril coat's pubsub system: modules or routers (more on that below)
  • mithril autoredraw function should only be called from a controller
  • controllers should be responsible for manipulating models


In Mithril Coat Modules serve a dual purpose:

  1. act as a dispatcher between views and controllers using Mithril Coat's event pubsub system
  2. as a way to initialize a Mithril Module

var module = new coat.Module(opts={})

Instantiates a module - all keys in the object passed into coat.Module are set on that module objects.

Events are bound to a module using Pubsub-js, which is a global pubsub system and therefore events are not Module specific. Modules expect the events to return an object mapping of event names to functions to call when the event is published.

For example:

// called when the event "button-clicked" is hit
module.prototype.buttonClicked = function(msgName, data) {
    console.log('button clicked')
} = function() {
    return {
        "button-clicked": this.buttonClicked


Instantiates a mithril module using a Mitril Coat Templated View. In order to use activate coat.Module expects a view variable to be bound to the module object.

For example:

var module = new coat.Module({ view: new TemplatedView({ $el: $("body") }) })


Similar to Modules Routers serve a dual purpose:

  1. acting as a dispatcher for events between views and controllers.
  2. as a way to initialize a mithril route.

Routers expect only arguments to be passed in as an object

$rootEl - a jQuery Node which will be used as the base node when Mithril.Router 

var router = new coat.Router({
    $rootEl: $("body")

Routers should have a templated view also passed in, but naming conventions should be decided by the developer.

Exact same implementation as


Is called by Mithril.Router and should return an object mapping of mithril route urls to mithril objects.

router.prototype.routes = function() {
    "/": {
        controller: function() {
            // called by mithril every time a route is matched
        view: function() {
            // should call .render() on a mithril coat templated view 
            // so if you have a templated view bound to router.view then 
            // you can call this.view.render(), but if render is not called
            // no html will be rendered on the page


Mithril Coat has a notion of 2 different types of views:

  1. Base Views - coat.View
  2. Templated Views - coat.TemplatedView


Base Views provide a number of convenience methods for interacting with existing dom nodes.

All views expect to be initialized with a $el, if not the view will throw an error

var view = new coat.View({ 
    $el: $("body")


Dom events takes a similar approach to backbone dom events and serves as a way to have event delegation on the view's $el. Like Modules and Routers events method, domEvents returns a mapping of keys structured as "[events] [selector]" and values as a function on the view. the domEvents method is called internally by mithril coat when a view is initialized.

view.prototype.domEvents = function() {
    return {
        "click a": "onClickLink"

view.prototype.onClickLink = function(e) {
    console.log('linked clicked')


returns the DOM nodes that match the selector inside the $el


Extends coat.View and adds additional functionality for views that use mithril templates.

In addition to setting an $el, all coat.TemplatedView expect a mithril template to be passed in via a template key.

If you want to pass model data to a view it should be done via the state property which exposed in the template.

``` javascript
var sampleTemplate = require("./template.js")
var templatedView = new coat.TemplatedView({
    $el: $("body"),
    template: sampleTemplate,
    state: new coat.Model({
        name: "daily muse",
        version: "1.0.1"

Should be called to render the mithril template. It is called internally by coat.Module.activate() and it is left for the developer to call it in coat.Router.routes.


Mithril has a special "config" key on mithril elements that is called when node are rendered on a page. Templates that generate subviews (use the view tag in the template - more on this in mithril templates below), automatically call the function when the view is rendered on the page. This function is meant to be extended. (this is going to be called on all templated views in the future).


Mithril coat models provide convenience methods for interacting with Mithril models.

All models also expect a url property to or a url function to be bound to the object which returns the url that you are requesting.

All keys and values that are passed in the opts objects are set as properties on the object and mithril properties respectively.

var model = new coat.Model({
    name: "mithril-coat",
    version: 1.0,

// the url can be set in the options or after instantiation or as a function 
// should return a url string to request
model.prototype.url = function() {
    return "/api/mithril-coat/" + this.version(s);

console.log( // prints "mithril-coat" to the console

All coat models have a special property "loading" which is set to false on model initialization and true when a request begins and false when a request finishes completes. To access the value of loading just access it like any mithril property: model.loading().


This function should be extended if it is necessary to configure the xhr request.

model.prototype.xhrConfig = function(xhr) {
    // in order to avoid caching issues in ie10
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

Model Requests

In addition to allowing you to set the underlying xhr requests - mithril coat provides a few other convenience methods. All method calls accept an object of key values. Possible keys that mithril coat will place in the options m.request include:

  • "user"
  • "password"
  • "data"
  • "background"
  • "initialValue"
  • "unwrapSuccess"
  • "unwrapError"
  • "serialize"
  • "extract"
  • "type"

Mithril Coat also allows you to pass in success and error call backs that will be called when a requests is finished. By default when a request is finished all the properties of response are set as mithril properties and updated.


Submits a get request and optionally specifies the method to use in opts

    success: function(response, model) {
    error: function(error, model) {`

By default if a "method" key is not set in opts and an id is set on the model then mithril coat will set the method request to "PUT" and if there is not id it will set the method request to "POST". However there are times when you should submit a "PUT" request even though an id exists - therefore we provide the flexibility to determine which method to use.


Submits a delete request to the server.


Mithril coat controllers are meant to be used to manipulate model state and to initiate mithril redraws (either via model requests or via autoredraws). Like all other Mithril Coat Objects all options passed to controllers are set as properties on the instantiated Object.

var controller = new coat.Controller({
    model: new coat.Model({
        url: "api/confirm"

ctrl.autoredraw(cb, opts)

Redraws a view using mithrils startComputation() and endComputation in a try, finally block as recommended by mithril. Calls the callback and passes opts as an argument to the callback.

// inside some function in a controller
this.autoredraw(function(opts) {
}, opts);

Mithril Coat Templates

Mithril coat templates are mithril templates that are written in HTML. The files are saved with a .html extension and are then compiled to JavaScript by the mithril coat compiler.

Mithril coat templates are simply html templates that are compiled to mithril. The templating language is expected to be used in conjunction with Browserify as it module exports all the templates.

All Mithril Coat templates receive two variables: (view, state). vie is a reference to the view object that has the template so any property on the view is available to you via the view object. state is the state that was passed in the view on initialization. state is the place where any model or ui data should exist.

Mithril coat template support all html tags and have an additional 7 html tags

* if, elif, else
* val
* raw
* map
* nbsp
* template
* view

<if expr=""></if>, <elif expr=""></elif, <else expr=""></else>

Every if and elif tag need to have an expr attribute on it and the value of expr should be a JavaScript expression. All if, elif, and else tags need to be closed. All tags must also have valid content placed in between their tags.

<!-- remember state is a varibale that's passed into a mithril-template from the view -->
<if expr="state.window()">
    <h1>The Window objext exist</h1>
<elif expr="state.hello().length > 0">
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
    <h1>In the else</h1>

NOTE THIS IS WILL FAIL COMPILATION IN MITHRIL COAT because there are no contents in between 
<if expr="state.window">


<val expr="" />

val is a self closing tag that evaluates a JavaScript. The only attribute it accepts is expr.

would evaluate the JavaScript state.hello() expression and place the value in 
the paragraph tag
    <val expr="state.hello()" />

<raw val||expr="" />

raw wraps a string or a JavaScript expression in The two different attributes are val and expr.

val accepts a JavaScript expression, so if state has a property message: "hello world <span>The Muse</span>", valshould be used to displaystate.message()`.

expr should be used to display a string such as html character entities.

<!-- let's stay state.message = coat.prop("hello world <span>The Muse</span>") -->
<!-- To display html content in a JavaScript expression -->
    <raw val="state.message()" />
    <raw expr="&excl;" />

<map expr="", key="", val=""></map>

Allows for iterating over an object or an array.

If you are iterating over an object key is the current key in the iteration and val is the current value of that key.

If you are iterating over an array key is the current index and val is the current value of that index.

<!-- if state.numbers = coat.prop([1, 2, 3, 4]) -->
<map expr="state.numbers()" val="num" key="index">
    <p>Value is: <val expr="num" /> at index: <val expr="index" /></p>

<!-- if state.person = coat.prop({name: "The Muse", age: "3"}) -->
<h2> The Properties of The Muse are: </h2>
<map expr="state.person()" val="prop" key="key">
    <p><val expr="key" />: <val expr="prop" /></p>

<nbsp count="" />

Add the &nspb; character the number of times specified in the count property.

<!-- will add an nbsp HTML character 5 times -->
<nbsp count="5" />

<template path="[pathName]" />

Allows other templates to be included as partials in your current template. The path value should not include a file extension and the paths should be relative to the current directory.

<!-- assuming there is another file in the same directory name 'hello_world.html' - note there are two ways that are both valid to include this file, the one above -->
<template path="hello_world" />
<template path="./hello_world" />

<view name="" args="{}" />

Views are a means to include other templated views in the current view. There are several reasons why you might want to do this including having event binding correctly for sub-views and to allow sub-views to only have access to the states that they "control."

<!-- assuming that the `view` object has a reference to the templated view that we want to include and that the templated class is assigned to the `subview` property. Also let's assume that `state` has a property called `subview` that we want to pass as the state for the sub-view. Then we can generate the sub view with the following code. -->
<view name="view.subview" args="{state: state.subview}" />

The $el for the view is automatically created and bounded by mithril coat.


A minimalistic frontend web framework that builds on Mithril.







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