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Code for "MegaPose: 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects via Render & Compare", CoRL 2022.


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This repository contains code, models and dataset for our MegaPose paper.

Yann Labbé, Lucas Manuelli, Arsalan Mousavian, Stephen Tyree, Stan Birchfield, Jonathan Tremblay, Justin Carpentier, Mathieu Aubry, Dieter Fox, Josef Sivic. “MegaPose: 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects via Render & Compare.” In: CoRL 2022.

[Paper] [Project page]


  • 09.01.2023 We released two new variants of our approach (see the Model Zoo).
  • 09.01.2023 Code, models and dataset are released in this repository.
  • 10.09.2022 The paper is accepted at CoRL 2022.


The main contributors to the code are:


If you find this source code useful please cite:

  title = {{{MegaPose}}: {{6D Pose Estimation}} of {{Novel Objects}} via {{Render}} \& {{Compare}}},
  booktitle = {CoRL},
  author = {Labb\'e, Yann and Manuelli, Lucas and Mousavian, Arsalan and Tyree, Stephen and Birchfield, Stan and Tremblay, Jonathan and Carpentier, Justin and Aubry, Mathieu and Fox, Dieter and Sivic, Josef},
  date = {2022}


This repository contains pre-trained models for pose estimation of novel objects, and our synthetic training dataset. Most notable features are listed below.

Pose estimation of novel objects

We provide pre-trained models for 6D pose estimation of novel objects.

Given as inputs:

  • an RGB image (depth can also be used but is optional),
  • the intrinsic parameters of the camera,
  • a mesh of the object,
  • a bounding box of that object in the image,

our approach estimates the 6D pose of the object (3D rotation + 3D translation) with respect to the camera.

We provide a script and an example for inference on novel objects. After installation, please see the Inference tutorial.

Large-scale synthetic dataset

We provide the synthetic dataset we used to train MegaPose. The dataset contains 2 million images displaying more than 20,000 objects from the Google Scanned Objects and ShapeNet datasets. After installation, please see the Dataset section.


Once you are done with the installation, we recommend you head to the Inference tutorial.

1. Clone the repository

The first step is to clone the repo and submodules:

git clone
cd megapose6d && git submodule update --init

2. Set environment variables (optional)

For convenience, the MegaPose data directory can be changed by setting the environment variable MEGAPOSE_DATA_DIR. For example the data for the inference example will be downloaded to MEGAPOSE_DATA_DIR/examples. If not set manually, the directory local_data/ under the project root will be used.

3. Install dependencies with conda or use the docker image

We support running megapose either in a conda environment or in a docker container. For simplicity, we recommend using conda if you are not running on a cloud computer. Once you are done with the installation, you can head directly to the inference tutorial or dataset usage.

Option A: Conda Installation

We will create a conda environment named megapose that contains all the dependencies, then install the megapose python package inside.

conda env create -f conda/environment_full.yaml
conda activate megapose
pip install -e .

If you plan to further develop the MegaPose code, you may want to install dev tools via pip install -e ".[ci,dev]". See here for more details.

Option B: Docker Installation

Click for details...

Create a conda environment

Creat a conda environment with python==3.9. We will use this conda environment to manage a small number of dependencies needed for

conda env create -f conda/environment.yaml

Install dependencies in conda

Activate the conda environment and install job_runner and megapose. Note that the megapose install inside conda is just to enable us to run the data download scripts from the host machine rather than from docker. Navigate to the project root, and set MEGAPOSE_DIR.

export MEGAPOSE_DIR=`pwd`

Run the commands below to install job_runner and megapose.

conda activate megapose
cd $MEGAPOSE_DIR/runjob_cli && pip install -e .
runjob-config runjob_config.yml
cd $MEGAPOSE_DIR && rm -rf src/megapose.egg-info
pip install -e . --no-deps

Install Docker

Official instructions are listed here and are summarized below.

  • Install docker

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install \
        apt-transport-https \
        ca-certificates \
        curl \
        gnupg-agent \
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository \
    "deb [arch=amd64] \
    $(lsb_release -cs) \
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
  • Configure user to be part of the docker group:

    sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER # May need to reboot
  • Test installation: there should be no permissions or warnings.

    docker run hello-world

Install NVIDIA container toolkit

The official guide is here

  • Set up the stable repository and the GPG key:

    distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
    && curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add - \
    && curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo
  • Install nvidia-docker2

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
  • Restart the Docker daemon to complete the installation after setting the default runtime

    sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Test installation by running a cuda container. This should run with no errors or warnings and print out information about your GPU.

    docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi

Download or build the docker image

We provide the docker image already built.

  1. Pull the image

    docker pull ylabbe/megapose6d
  2. Retag that image as megapose:1.0

    docker tag megapose:1.0

Alternatively, you can use runjob to build the docker image. Note that this will take several minutes as the image is quite large.

runjob-docker --project=megapose --build-local --version 1.0

Inference tutorial

We provide a tutorial for running inference on an image with a novel object. You can adapt this tutorial to your own example.

1. Download pre-trained pose estimation models

Download pose estimation models to $MEGAPOSE_DATA_DIR/megapose-models:

python -m --megapose_models

The models are also available at this url.

2. Download example data

In this tutorial, we estimate the pose for a barbecue sauce bottle (from the HOPE dataset, not used during training of MegaPose). We start by downloading the inputs necessary to MegaPose for this tutorial (you can also use this link):

python -m --example_data

The input files are the following:

  • image_rgb.png is a RGB image of the scene. We recommend using a 4:3 aspect ratio.

  • image_depth.png (optional) contains depth measurements, with values in mm. You can leave out this file if you don't have depth measurements.

  • camera_data.json contains the 3x3 camera intrinsic matrix K and the camera resolution in [h,w] format.

    {"K": [[605.9547119140625, 0.0, 319.029052734375], [0.0, 605.006591796875, 249.67617797851562], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], "resolution": [480, 640]}

  • inputs/object_data.json contains a list of object detections. For each detection, the 2D bounding box in the image (in [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] format), and the label of the object are provided. In this example, there is a single object detection. The bounding box is only used for computing an initial depth estimate of the object which is then refined by our approach. The bounding box does not need to be extremly precise (see below).

    [{"label": "barbecue-sauce", "bbox_modal": [384, 234, 522, 455]}]

  • meshes/barbecue-sauce is a directory containing the object's mesh. Mesh units are expected to be in millimeters. In this example, we use a mesh in .ply format. The code also supports .obj meshes but you will have to make sure that the objects are rendered correctly with our renderer.

You can visualize input detections using :

python -m megapose.scripts.run_inference_on_example barbecue-sauce --vis-detections

3. Run pose estimation and visualize results

Run inference with the following command:

python -m megapose.scripts.run_inference_on_example barbecue-sauce --run-inference 

by default, the model only uses the RGB input. You can use of our RGB-D megapose models using the --model argument. Please see our Model Zoo for all models available.

The previous command will generate the following file:


This file contains a list of objects with their estimated poses . For each object, the estimated pose is noted TWO (the world coordinate frame correspond to the camera frame). It is composed of a quaternion and the 3D translation:

[{"label": "barbecue-sauce", "TWO": [[0.5453961536730983, 0.6226545207599095, -0.43295293693197473, 0.35692612413663855], [0.10723329335451126, 0.07313819974660873, 0.45735278725624084]]}]

Finally, you can visualize the results using:

python -m megapose.scripts.run_inference_on_example barbecue-sauce --vis-outputs

which write several visualization files:


Model Zoo

Model name Input
megapose-1.0-RGB RGB
megapose-1.0-RGBD RGB-D
megapose-1.0-RGB-multi-hypothesis RGB
megapose-1.0-RGB-multi-hypothesis-icp RGB-D
  • megapose-1.0-RGB and megapose-1.0-RGBD correspond to method presented and evaluated in the paper.
  • -multi-hypothesis is a variant of our approach which:
    • Uses the coarse model, extracts top-K hypotheses (by default K=5);
    • For each hypothesis runs K refiner iterations;
    • Evaluates refined hypotheses using score from coarse model and selects the highest scoring one.
  • -icp indicates running ICP refinement on the depth data.

For optimal performance, we recommend using megapose-1.0-RGB-multi-hypothesis for an RGB image and megapose-1.0-RGB-multi-hypothesis-icp for an RGB-D image. An extended paper with full evaluation of these new approaches is coming soon.


Dataset information

The dataset is available at this url. It is split into two datasets: gso_1M (Google Scanned Objects) and shapenet_1M (ShapeNet objects). Each dataset has 1 million images which were generated using BlenderProc.

Datasets are released in the webdataset format for high reading performance. Each dataset is split into chunks of size ~600MB containing 1000 images each.

We provide the pre-processed meshes ready to be used for rendering and training in this directory:


Important: Before downloading this data, please make sure you are allowed to use these datasets i.e. you can download the original ones.


We provide utilies for loading and visualizing the data.

The following commands download 10 chunks of each dataset as well as metadata files:

python -m --data_subset "0000000*.tar"

We then download the object models (please make sure you have access to the original datasets before downloading these preprocessed ones):

python -m --data_object_models

Your directory structure should look like this:


You can then use the render_megapose_dataset.ipynb notebook to load and visualize the data and 6D pose annotations.

In-depth analysis of the results on a YCB-V example

Click for details ...

For in-depth analysis of the results, please download this folder from google drive and place the contents in $MEGAPOSE_DATA_DIR. After downloading you should have a folder structure like


You can then run the notebook megapose_estimator_visualization.ipynb. This will run the inference code on a test image from YCBV and visualize the intermediate results.

Dev Ops

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VSCode setup

Install dev tools pip install -e ".[ci,dev]"

We use the following tools:

  • Formatting: black
  • Sort python imports: isort
  • Linting: flake8
  • Type checking: mypy
  • Tests: pytest

An example of vscode config file is provided in .vscode/settings.json.

Produce coverage report

pytest --cov-report=term --cov-report=html:./_coverage --cov=src/ tests/

View coverage report at ./_coverage/index.html

Create wheel package distribution file

# New way (using PEP 517)
python -m build

# Old way
python sdist bdist_wheel


Unless otherwise specified, all code in this repository is authored by Inria and Nvidia. It is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.


This work was partially supported by the HPC resources from GENCI-IDRIS (Grant 011011181R2), the European Regional Development Fund under the project IMPACT (reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15 003/0000468), EU Horizon Europe Programme under the project AGIMUS (No. 101070165), Louis Vuitton ENS Chair on Artificial Intelligence, and the French government under management of Agence Nationale de la Recherche as part of the "Investissements d'avenir" program, reference ANR-19-P3IA-0001 (PRAIRIE 3IA Institute).


Code for "MegaPose: 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects via Render & Compare", CoRL 2022.







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