This component allows to manipulate claims that are returned by Identity Framework for an authenticated user.
Clone this repository (
Use maven install to build
mvn clean install
Copy org.wso2.custom.extensions.claim.handler-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file to wso2is-5.3.0/repository/components/dropins folder
Copy the jsHook.js file found under resources to wso2is-5.3.0/repository/conf
Update the tag in wso2is-5.3.0/repository/conf/identity/application-authentication.xml as follows,
With this custom claim handler I am trying to demonstrate few use cases,
Retrieving claims from an external claim store
Modifying/Transforming claims - For example take the first name and last name claims and create a new claim for full name
Modifying/Transforming claims using JavaScript - I am using JVM's inbuilt Nashorn JS Engine for this.