A modern cryptocurrency trading dashboard and monitoring platform built with React, TypeScript, and Material UI. This application allows users to track cryptocurrency prices, view real-time charts, and monitor market data across different exchanges.
Cryptowatch provides a customizable dashboard with draggable and resizable chart widgets. Users can monitor multiple trading pairs simultaneously, check orderbook data, and track market movements in real-time through WebSocket connections.
- Real-time price charts for various cryptocurrency pairs
- Responsive grid layout with draggable and resizable widgets
- WebSocket integration for live market data
- Dark-themed UI designed for trading environments
- Redux state management for application-wide state
├── public/ # Static assets and HTML template
├── src/ # Application source code
│ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ │ ├── chart/ # Chart and trading view components
│ │ ├── debug/ # Debugging tools and components
│ │ ├── layout/ # Layout components (header, navigation)
│ │ ├── market/ # Market data display components
│ │ └── trading/ # Trading interface components
│ ├── data/ # Static data and constants
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ ├── pages/ # Page components
│ ├── services/ # API and WebSocket services
│ ├── store/ # Redux store configuration
│ │ └── slices/ # Redux slices for state management
│ ├── types/ # TypeScript type definitions
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
├── App.tsx # Main application component
└── index.tsx # Application entry point
components/: Reusable UI components organized by functionality
- chart/: Chart widgets and visualization tools
- debug/: Components for debugging and testing WebSocket connections
- layout/: UI layout components including headers and navigation
- market/: Components for displaying market data (prices, volume, etc.)
- trading/: Order placement and trading interface components
pages/: Top-level page components
- Dashboard.tsx: Main dashboard interface
- DebugWebSocket.tsx: Page for debugging WebSocket connections
services/: API integrations and data services
- krakenWebSocket.ts: WebSocket client for Kraken exchange data
store/: Redux state management
- slices/: Redux toolkit slices for different state domains
- marketSlice.ts: Market data state
- layoutSlice.ts: UI layout configuration
- userSlice.ts: User preferences and settings
- slices/: Redux toolkit slices for different state domains
hooks/: Custom React hooks for shared functionality
types/: TypeScript type definitions for the application
utils/: Helper functions and utilities
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- npm or yarn
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd cryptowatch
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view the application in your browser.
- Implement theme management system (ability to change between 3-4 different themes)
- Utilize the usePairs hook to download and retrieve the latest trading pair information
- Enhance UI for pair selection with a search functionality for easier access
- Add configuration options for adjusting the refresh rate of charts and orderbook data
- Added throttling and subscription to make the frontend less loaded
- Add localstorage saving so changes are persistent
- Implement toggle controls for showing/hiding TradingView tools on the charts