Simple oscilloscope/logic-analyzer on FPGA with VGA display. Designed for basys2 evaluation board with spartan-3E-100k processor. Supports probing up to 40Mhz (smooth regulation < ~5Mhz), toggled by slope on selected inputs.
- btn2, btn3 -> select next/prev
- btn1, btn0 -> increase/decrease selected
- pmod JA(0 to 3), JB(0 to 3) -> data inputs
- sw(0 to 7) -> trigger enabled on n-th input
It should be possible to open project/ dir as project in xilinx ISE. Some of files are autogenerated using python code from generator/, it also renders something like oscilloscope interface in tkinter.
I wrote this project as part of PUL classes at MIM faculty, University of Warsaw.