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Guide to to automate image updates with FluxCD on AKS

The intended workflow:

  1. Create the application
  2. Test locally
  3. Commit and push to GitHub
  4. push image to Azure Container Registry
  5. Deploy aks
  6. Deploy FluxCD
  7. Kustomize the manifests


This guide will help you to use FluxCD to deploy your application to AKS cluster.


Create the application

Create a src directory and use dotnet new to create blazor server app.

mkdir src
cd src
dotnet new blazorserver -o MyApp

Navigate to the app directory and run the app

cd MyApp
dotnet run

You should see the app running on http://localhost:7230


Navigate to root and use dotnet new to create a new solution file.

cd ..
dotnet new sln 

Add MyApp to the solution

dotnet sln add src/MyApp/MyApp.csproj

Create a dockerfile for the app

Create an Azure Container Registry


Create a resource group for the Azure Container Registry and create the Azure Container Registry.

az group create --name $rgName --location $location
az acr create --resource-group $rgName --name $acrName --sku Basic

Build and push the image to the Azure Container Registry.

az acr build --registry $acrName -t myapp:v1 -f ./src/MyApp/dockerfile .

Create AKS Cluster

Create AKS cluster using Azure CLI and attach the Azure Container Registry to the AKS cluster.

Get AKS cluster credentials

az aks get-credentials --resource-group $rgName --name $aksClusterName

Get your login server address using the az acr list command and query for your login server.

az acr list --resource-group $rgName --query "[].{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" --output table

Set the image property for the containers in the manifests/myapp.yaml file.

Deploy the app to AKS cluster

kubectl apply -f manifests/myapp.yaml

Test the app

kubectl get svc myapp

The output should look like this:


Install the FluxCD AKS extension

AKS extensions are Microsoft-maintained packages that can be installed using Azure Resource Manager to enable additional functionality on your AKS cluster. In a way, AKS extensions are like AKS add-ons. However, AKS extensions are offered via a different Azure resource provider and therefore offers the flexibility to be installed on a variety of Kubernetes clusters including Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes clusters. Take a look at this article by @JorgeArteiro for more information on the differences between AKS extensions and AKS add-ons.

Install Azure CLI extensions

# enable new features for aks
az extension add --name aks-preview

# enable aks extension installations
az extension add --name k8s-extension

# enable aks extension configuration
az extension add --name k8s-configuration

Install FluxCD

az k8s-extension create --cluster-name $aksClusterName --resource-group $rgName --cluster-type managedClusters --extension-type microsoft.flux --name myapp

This command will install the FluxCD AKS extension on your AKS cluster. It is equivalent to running the flux install Flux CLI command.

The first parameters are self-explanatory... we are using Azure Resource Manager to install the extension so you need to pass in the AKS cluster name and resource group.

The parameters you need to be aware of here are --cluster-type and --extension-type. You need to specify managedClusters and microsoft.flux respectively which tells the Azure resource provider that you are installing the FluxCD extension on a managed AKS cluster. Getting these last parameters wrong will result in an error.

With the extension installed, you can run the following Flux CLI command to get the status of the installation.

flux check --pre

Flux installs many new Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in the cluster. These CRDs are how you interact with FluxCD. You can run the following command to see all the new CRDs.

kubectl get crds | grep flux

flux check

Prepare Kubernetes manifests for Kustomize

A successful GitOps implementation hinges on how well you structure your Git repository and how well you manage processes and workflows. GitOps tools are just that; they're tools, you need to do some work up front like determining file structure, branching strategy, branch protections, and workflows to ensure that you are setting yourself up for success.

"Kustomizing" manifests

Kustomize is not a templating engine like Helm, it is more like a patching engine. It allows you to create a base set of Kubernetes manifests and then patch them with environment specific configurations. These environmental configurations are known as "overlays". So you can have a dev overlay, a prod overlay, a staging overlay, etc. and use them to patch the base manifests with environment specific configurations.

Create a dev overlay

All of our manifests currently sit a the manifests directory so from here we can create overlays for different environments.

First we need to create our initial kusomtization.yaml file. This file will tell Kustomize where to find the base manifests and where to find the overlays.

Using the Kustomize CLI, run the following command to create the base kustomization.yaml file:

cd manifests

kustomize create --autodetect

# view the kustomization.yaml file
cat kustomization.yaml

Next, we need to create an overlay for our dev environment.

We need to navigate back to the root of the repo directory and create a dev overlay directory.

cd ../
mkdir -p overlays/dev
cd overlays/dev

We want our dev deployment to deploy to a new namespace so we'll create a new manifest to create one. Run the following command to create a new manifest file.

kubectl create namespace myapp-dev --dry-run=client -o yaml > namespace.yaml

Generate the kustomization.yaml file for our dev overlay using the following command.

kustomize create --resources namespace.yaml,./../../manifests --namespace myapp-dev

# view the kustomization.yaml file
cat kustomization.yaml

Kustomize in action

Let's test the dev overlay by running the following command from the dev directory:

kustomize build 

Notice how all the manifests are patched with the myapp-dev namespace and output to the console. This is how Kustomize works. It patches the base manifests with environment specific configurations and outputs the patched manifests to the console.

To deploy these patched manifests, you would run a command like this.

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -

Kustomize is also built into kubectl so you can run the following command to apply the manifests to your cluster.

kubectl apply -k .

Hopefully you didn't run the commands above. If you did, no problem you can delete this deployment with either of these commands.

# using kustomize
kustomize build | kubectl delete -f -

# or using kubectl
kubectl delete -k .

Deploying Applications with FluxCD

Now that we have our manifests structured in a way that we can use Kustomize to patch them with environment specific configurations, we can use FluxCD to deploy our application to our AKS cluster. Run the following command to get the GitHub HTTP URL for your repo.

$GhRepoURL=$(gh repo view --json url | jq .url -r)

Using Azure CLI again, let's configure the FluxCD AKS extension to connect to our GitHub repo:

az k8s-configuration flux create --cluster-name $aksClusterName --resource-group $rgName --cluster-type managedClusters --name myapp-demo --url $GhRepoURL --branch main --kustomization name=dev path=./overlays/dev --namespace flux-system

This command is equivalent to running the flux create source and flux create kustomization Flux CLI commands.

Here, we are telling the FluxCD AKS extension to connect to our GitHub repo and monitor the main branch for changes.

The Azure resource name is set to myapp-demo and we pass in a kustomization name of dev. These two values will be used to create the Kustomization resources in the cluster.

We also tell the Flux resource where look for our manifests by passing it path=./overlays/dev.

Lastly, we tell Flux to create new Flux GitRepository and Kustomization resources in the flux-system namespace. You can change this to whatever namespace you want. I used flux-system for simplicity.

If you run the following Flux CLI commands you should see some resources created.

flux get source git
flux get kustomization

If all went well, you should see your pods coming online. Let's watch for them:

kubectl get pods -w -n myapp-dev

Once you see all the pods running, you can exit the watch by pressing CTRL+C.

Let's test the application by grabbing the public IP address of the myapp service:

kubectl get svc myapp -n myapp-dev

Making and managing changes

With the FluxCD AKS extension installed and connected to our GitHub repo, we can now make changes by simply editing the kubernetes manifests and committing/pushing the changes back to the remote repo. At this point, it's all about Git workflows and processes.

Let's make a small change to the dev overlay kustomization.yaml file. Let's say we want to change the name of the namespace from myapp-dev to just dev.

Open the overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml file and change the namespace value from store-dev to dev.

Using the Flux CLI, you can force FluxCD to reconcile the cluster with the desired state defined in the repo.

flux reconcile kustomization myapp-demo-dev --with-source

After a minute or two you should see the pods coming online in the new dev namespace. This is FluxCD reconciling the cluster with the desired state defined in the repo.

You can check on the pods using the following command.

kubectl get pods -n dev

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Here's some tips when it comes to monitoring and troubleshooting Flux resources is to use the Flux CLI. You can use some of these basic commands to get information about Flux and its resources:

# check the status of the flux installation
flux check

# get info about the GitRepository resource
flux get source git myapp-demo -n flux-system

# get info about the Kustomization resource
flux get kustomization myapp-demo-dev -n flux-system

# view event logs from the flux controllers
flux events

# view logs from the flux controllers
flux log

# view stats of the flux controllers
flux stats


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