uTensor is an extremely light-weight Deep-Learning Inference framework built on Mbed and Tensorflow. The project contains a Mbed importable runtime library and utensor-cli, an offline-tool which generates embedded C++ code base on supplied quantized-inference-graph.
The project current consists of:
- TensorFlow to uTensor exporter (utensor-cli)
Tensor Classes
- Data Holder
- Virtual Memory
Operators Classes
- C reference implementation
- Basic operators: MatMal, Add, ReLu, Reshape, Max, Min, ArgMax, Quantization Ops, etc
Context Class
- A resource management class
- An interface to utensor-cli's code generation
- Describes a graph
This project is under going constant development. APIs are expected to update rapidly.
This document contains the steps you would need to build an uTensor application from ground-up. The application implements a simple 3-layer MLP trained for the MNIST dataset, a hand-written digit recognizer:
Topics to be covered:
Setting up a Mbed project with uTensor
Convert a quantized graph to C++ code
Add main.cpp to perform inference
Running on device
The example repository created using steps presented below can be found HERE.
We are working to release an Mbed-online-Simulator version of the example. Stay-tuned!
- Mbed CLI
- Mbed-os 5.6+ compatible boards with at least 256kb of RAM
- Python3
- CoolTerm
- FAT32 formated SD card (must be less than 32 GB)
- SD Card reader for the board (Optional if built into the board)
The default targets for uTensor are Mbed enabled boards. Mbed-cli is the build we use it to:
- Manage Mbed projects
- Import libraries
- Compile the code
- Flash onto devices
Let's start by creating a project folder and initial an Mbed project:
$ mkdir helloworld
$ cd helloworld
$ mbed new .
[mbed] Creating new program "helloworld" (git)
[mbed] Adding library "mbed-os" from "ssh://[email protected]/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git" at branch latest
[mbed] Updating reference "mbed-os" -> "https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/..."
$ ls #See what `mbed new .` does
mbed-os mbed-os.lib mbed_settings.py
Next, we would like to add the uTensor runtime-library to the project:
$ mbed add https://github.com/uTensor/uTensor
[mbed] Updating library "uTensor" to latest revision in the current branch
[mbed] Updating reference "uTensor" -> "https://github.com/uTensor/uTensor/...
Because uTensor usually require a file system to access the model parameters, we would have to add a filesystem driver. In this case, SD driver is used:
$ mbed add https://github.com/ARMmbed/sd-driver/#c46d0779e7354169e5a5ad0a84dc0346f55ab3e1
[mbed] Updating library "sd-driver" to rev #c46d0779e735
Now, all required libraries have been added. As a good measure, we are issuing mbed deploy
to ensure all the references are in good shape.
$ mbed deploy
[mbed] Updating library "mbed-os" to rev #96d9a00d0a1d
[mbed] Updating library "sd-driver" to rev #c46d0779e735
[mbed] Updating library "uTensor" to rev #1bdf2b3d5628
Finally, we would like to use uTensor's application profile as a starting template for our configurations:
$ cp uTensor/mbed_app.json ./
This section shows how one would use utensor-cli to generate the C++ implementation of the model given a quantized graph trained within Tensorflow. Here, we would a graph we prepared for illustration purpose. Overview of the steps are:
- Install utensor-cli
- Running utensor-cli to convert the graph to C++
- Copying files
- Copy model parameters to the device filesystem
- Copy the C++ model files to your project
It's recommended that we do this in a virtual environment:
# Do this at the same level as your project folder
$ cd ..
$ ls
$ mkdiri py3_venv
$ python3 -m venv ./py3_venv/ut
$ source ./py3_venv/ut/bin/activate
(ut) $ ls
helloworld py3_venv
Clone and install utensor-cli:
(ut) $ git clone https://github.com/uTensor/utensor_cgen
(ut) $ cd utensor_cgen
(ut) $ pip install utensor_cgen
Collecting utensor_cgen
Downloading utensor_cgen-0.1.2.tar.gz
Successfully installed ...
Generating C++ files from a pre-trained and pre-quantized graph:
(ut) $ utensor-cli tests/deep_mlp/quant_mnist.pb
saving constants/quant_mnist/OuputLayer_Variable_1_0.idx
saving constants/quant_mnist/y_pred_dimension_0.idx
Generate header file: models/quant_mnist.hpp
Generate source file: models/quant_mnist.cpp
This step saves model parameters in ./constants/
. The models/quant_mnist.hpp
and models/quant_mnist.cpp
are to be imported to our Mbed project.
Model parameters, in form of idx files, needs to be loaded by your device during runtime. In this example, we store them on a SD card. The generated C++ graph implementation needs to be placed in your Mbed project folder during compilation-time:
Copy ./constants to the root of your FAT32 formated SD card
Copy ./model to your Mbed project root
#You may deactiavte your virtual environment now
(ut) $ deactivate
$ cp -r models ../helloworld/
$ cd ../helloworld/
$ ls
mbed-os mbed-os.lib mbed_settings.py models sd-driver sd-driver.lib uTensor uTensor.lib
Create a main.cpp in your Mbed project and add the following code to it:
#include "quant_mnist.hpp"
#include "tensorIdxImporter.hpp"
#include "tensor.hpp"
#include "FATFileSystem.h"
#include "SDBlockDevice.h"
#include "mbed.h"
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);
FATFileSystem fs("fs");
void run_mlp(){
TensorIdxImporter t_import;
Tensor* input_x = t_import.float_import("/fs/tmp.idx");
Context ctx;
get_quant_mnist_ctx(ctx, input_x);
S_TENSOR pred_tensor = ctx.get("y_pred:0");
int pred_label = *(pred_tensor->read<int>(0, 0));
printf("Predicted label: %d\r\n", pred_label);
int main(void) {
printf("Simple MNIST end-to-end uTensor cli example (device)\n");
ON_ERR(bd.init(), "SDBlockDevice init ");
ON_ERR(fs.mount(&bd), "Mounting the filesystem on \"/fs\". ");
ON_ERR(fs.unmount(), "fs unmount ");
ON_ERR(bd.deinit(), "SDBlockDevice de-init ");
return 0;
Connect your device to your machine and compile your project with C++ profile:
#let mbed-cli set compilation target base on the device you have connected to you machine
$ mbed target auto
[mbed] auto now set as default target in program "helloworld"
$ mbed compile -t GCC_ARM --profile=./uTensor/build_profile/release.json
Compile [100.0%]: quantization_utils.cpp
Link: helloworld
Elf2Bin: helloworld
| Module | .text | .data | .bss |
| [fill] | 394 | 7 | 2219 |
| [lib]/c.a | 68359 | 2548 | 127 |
| [lib]/gcc.a | 7200 | 0 | 0 |
| [lib]/misc | 248 | 8 | 28 |
| [lib]/nosys.a | 32 | 0 | 0 |
| [lib]/stdc++.a | 171325 | 141 | 5676 |
| main.o | 101 | 0 | 1 |
| mbed-os/drivers | 52 | 0 | 0 |
| mbed-os/features | 107 | 0 | 188 |
| mbed-os/hal | 1361 | 4 | 66 |
| mbed-os/platform | 1624 | 4 | 314 |
| mbed-os/rtos | 8712 | 168 | 5989 |
| mbed-os/targets | 4998 | 12 | 384 |
| models/quant_mnist.o | 36 | 0 | 1 |
| uTensor/examples | 36 | 0 | 1 |
| uTensor/uTensor | 413 | 0 | 6 |
| Subtotals | 264998 | 2892 | 15000 |
Total Static RAM memory (data + bss): 17892 bytes
Total Flash memory (text + data): 267890 bytes
Image: ./BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM/helloworld.bin
Download the handwritten sample to the root of your SD card and rename it as
. -
Insert the prepared SD card into your device.
Connect your device to your machine and invoke
mbed compile
again with the-f
mbed compile -t GCC_ARM --profile=./uTensor/build_profile/release.json -f
- Launch CoolTerm and connect to your device with baudrate of 115200. Here is the expected output:
Simple MNIST end-to-end uTensor cli example (device)
Predicted label: 7