The mbari-pbp package allows to process ocean audio data archives to daily analysis products of hybrid millidecade spectra using PyPAM.
Status: Functional version, including support for cloud based processing.
- JSON generation of timekeeping with indication of start and duration of recognized sound files
- Audio file processing
- Frequency and psd array output
- Concatenation of processed 1-minute segments for daily product
- Calibration with given sensitivity file (NetCDF), or flat sensitivity value
- Data products
- NetCDF with metadata
- Summary plot
- Cloud processing
- Inputs can be downloaded from and uploaded to S3
- Inputs can be downloaded from public GCS bucket
- Outputs can be uploaded to GCS
Official documentation is available at
The only requirement is Python 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11 on your environment.1
You can run python3 --version
to check the version of Python installed.
As a general practice, it is recommended to use a virtual environment for the installation.
python3.11 -m venv virtenv
source virtenv/bin/activate
Install the package:
pip install mbari-pbp
The mbari-pbp package includes command line interface (CLI) programs, and also provides APIs you can use in your Python scripts or notebooks.
The package includes the following CLI programs:
Program | Description |
pbp-meta-gen |
Generate JSON files with audio metadata |
pbp-hmb-gen |
Main HMB generation program |
pbp-cloud |
Program for cloud based processing |
pbp-hmb-plot |
Utility program to plot HMB product |
API documentation is available at
- PyPAM - Python tool for Passive Acoustic Monitoring –
- Computation of single-sided mean-square sound pressure spectral density with 1 Hz resolution follows ISO 18405 (International Standard ISO 18405:2017(E), Underwater Acoustics – Terminology. Geneva: ISO) –
- Hybrid millidecade spectra: A practical format for exchange of long-term ambient sound data –
- Erratum: Hybrid millidecade spectra –
See for details.
As currently required by PyPAM. ↩