ODataSQL is a Go library that converts OData filter expressions into SQL WHERE clauses while preserving operator precedence.
func main() {
sql, err := odatasql.FilterToSQL("name eq 'Alice' and age gt 30")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(sql) // Output: name = 'Alice' AND age > 30
OData | SQL | Example OData | SQL Output |
eq | = |
firtsName eq 'Bob' |
first_name = 'Bob' |
ne | != |
status ne 'active' |
status != 'active' |
gt | > |
age gt 18 |
age > 18 |
ge | >= |
height ge 170 |
height >= 170 |
lt | < |
score lt 50 |
score < 50 |
le | <= |
price le 99.99 |
price <= 99.99 |
and | AND |
age gt 18 and status eq 'active' |
age > 18 AND status = 'active' |
or | OR |
age lt 18 or premium eq true |
age < 18 OR premium = true |
not | NOT |
not age gt 18 |
NOT age > 18 |
in | IN |
color in ('red', 'blue') |
color IN ('red', 'blue') |
go run examples/basic/basic.go
go run examples/in_operator/in_operator.go
go run examples/logical_operators/logical_operators.go
go run examples/precedence/precedence.go
ODataSQL enforces strict validation to prevent SQL injection attacks and ensure safe query generation.
SQL Injection via Malicious Values
- ❌
"id eq '1; DROP TABLE users --'"
- ❌
"DROP TABLE users"
- ❌
Always-True / Always-False Attacks
- ❌
"username eq 'admin' or true eq true"
- ❌
"age gt 30 or 1 eq 1"
- ❌
"status eq 'active' and false eq false"
- ❌
Logical Operator & Parentheses Exploits
- ❌
,"name eq 'Alice' or"
- ❌
Dangerous SQL Syntax
- ❌
"name eq 'Alice' --"
(SQL comment injection) - ❌
"color in ()"
list) - ❌
"SELECT eq 'Alice'"
(Reserved SQL keyword as a field)
- ❌
- Strict field validation – Only valid identifiers allowed.
- Safe value handling – Prevents misuse of SQL syntax.
- Input sanitization – Blocks
, and comment injection.
💡 Note: While ODataSQL ensures safe query generation, always apply standard SQL security measures in your database layer.