Just like a swiss knife - A simple go utility toolkits which is used for general purpose during daily coding.
Locate in charstring
package. This package is mainly used for dealing with strings and chars misc stuffs.
Here is the example:
package main
import "github.com/matribots/go-swiss-knife/charstring"
// you must defined ascii type first
type ascii byte
func main() {
var len = 20
asciiChars := make([]ascii, len)
// Generate 20 random printable ascii chars that locate in [28,125)
charstring.RandomPrintableASCII(28, 125, len)
// Check if a string is empty
str1, str2, str3, str4 :="", " ", "NOT_EMPTY", "NOT EMPTY"
// str1 is empty
// str2 is empty
// str3 is not empty
// str4 is not empty
Locate in crypto
package. This package is mainly used for dealing password, encryption and decryption miscs.
Here is the example:
package main
import "github.com/matribots/go-swiss-knife/crypto"
func main(){
// Generate a random strong password that length is 20.
Locate in numbers
package. This package is mainly used for dealing numbers related miscs.
Here is the example:
package main
import "github.com/matribots/go-swiss-knife/numbers"
func main(){
// Generate a random postive int that locate in [0,80).
// Generate 20 random postive ints that locate in [0,100).
numbers.RandomPostiveInts(0, 100, 20)