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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Portfolio-Site project

Table of Contents

  1. How 2 install
  2. Post-install steps
    1. Directus configuration
      1. Tables to create
      2. Make created collections public
    2. Reverse Proxy configuration
  3. Development

How 2 install

  1. Install docker:
  2. Clone this GitHub-Repo into a directory
  3. Copy the .env.example into a new .env-File and change the default values
  4. Now run docker compose up -d --build in the root-path of the repo


To update the git source of the project run docker compose down && git pull && docker compose up -d --build in a bash-like shell

Post-install steps

Directus configuration

Tables to create


  • All fields where no data type is specified are Input fields
  • Asterisks specify fields as required fields
  • Directus is creating id-fields with autoincrement automatically
  1. technologies
    1. id
    2. label*
    3. fa_icon*
    4. link*
  2. companies
    1. id
    2. name*
    3. role*
    4. technologies (Many to Many with technologies table)
    5. start_date (Date)*
    6. end_date (Date)
    7. order (Integer Input)
  3. schools
    1. id
    2. name*
    3. branch*
    4. start_date (Date)*
    5. end_date (Date)
  4. projects
    1. id
    2. github_link
    3. name*
    4. short_description*
    5. technologies (Many to Many with technologies table)
    6. description (WYSIWYG)
    7. order (Integer Input)


If done right you should now be able to see two intermediate tables (for the Many to Many relations):


Make created collections public

  1. In your logged in directus instance navigate to Settings > Access policies > Public

  2. Here you can add your collections to the public setting and grant read privileges

  3. You can also add directus_files to the public setting and configure it like in the screenshot: image-20240919141828852 You can now create a Public-folder in the file system of directus and access the files in it public, files which aren't located in this Public-folder remain private

  4. Now the public settings should look like this: image-20240919142131795

Reverse-Proxy configuration

To make the project publicly accessible, you can configure your reverse proxy (this can be Nginx Proxy Manager for instance)

  1. You have to publish port 3000 to a domain, this is the main website
  2. And you have to publish port 8055 to a domain like directus.<YOURDOMAIN>.com


  1. A local directus instance isn't necessarily needed, because you can just point the directus URL in the directus SDK plugin settings (frontend>plugins>directus.ts) to your production directus.

  2. To run the frontend in dev-Mode navigate into the frontend directory, open a terminal and type npm run dev, the used Node version is 20.17.0


    When running this command the first time, you need to run npm install beforehand


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