makes fake data, inspired from and borrowing some code from Python's faker (
Make fake data for:
- person names
- jobs
- phone numbers
- colors: names, hex, rgb
- credit cards
- DOIs
- numbers in range and from distributions
- gene sequences
- geographic coordinates
- emails
- URIs, URLs, and their parts
- IP addresses
- more coming ...
Possible use cases for charlatan
- Students in a classroom setting learning any task that needs a dataset.
- People doing simulations/modeling that need some fake data
- Generate fake dataset of users for a database before actual users exist
- Complete missing spots in a dataset
- Generate fake data to replace sensitive real data with before public release
- Create a random set of colors for visualization
- Generate random coordinates for a map
- Get a set of randomly generated DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to assign to fake scholarly artifacts
- Generate fake taxonomic names for a biological dataset
- Get a set of fake sequences to use to test code/software that uses sequence data
Reasons to use charlatan
- Lite weight, few dependencies
- Relatively comprehensive types of data, and more being added
- Comprehensive set of languages supported, more being added
- Useful R features such as creating entire fake data.frame's
cran version
dev version
... for all fake data operations
x <- fraudster()
#> [1] "Toxicologist"
#> [1] "Bart Franecki"
#> [1] "IndianRed"
Adding more locales through time, e.g.,
Locale support for job data
ch_job(locale = "en_US", n = 3)
#> [1] "Ranger/warden" "Psychotherapist" "Immigration officer"
ch_job(locale = "fr_FR", n = 3)
#> [1] "Géotechnicien"
#> [2] "Professeur documentaliste"
#> [3] "Ingénieur efficacité énergétique du bâtiment"
ch_job(locale = "hr_HR", n = 3)
#> [1] "Policajac" "Voditelj projekta"
#> [3] "Zdravstveno laboratorijski tehničar"
ch_job(locale = "uk_UA", n = 3)
#> [1] "Фотограф" "Зоолог" "Мірошник"
ch_job(locale = "zh_TW", n = 3)
#> [1] "CNC電腦程式編排人員" "特用化學工程師" "財務或會計主管"
For colors:
ch_color_name(locale = "en_US", n = 3)
#> [1] "DarkSlateGray" "Indigo" "NavajoWhite"
ch_color_name(locale = "uk_UA", n = 3)
#> [1] "Червоно-буро-помаранчевий" "Темно-лососевий"
#> [3] "Блідо-брунатний"
More coming soon ...
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#> name job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Mr. Posey Stehr III Immigration officer +61(2)7879379341
#> 2 Ms. Henriette Wiegand Catering manager 1-580-580-8638x830
#> 3 Irena Russel Retail banker +04(7)9699546042
#> 4 Dr. Daniel Bechtelar DDS Architectural technologist 1-834-397-4529x863
#> 5 Dr. Kasey Davis Designer, jewellery 351.022.9534x24105
#> 6 London Hansen-Hackett Graphic designer +06(5)1147537086
#> 7 Lilyana Runte Counsellor 01692508550
#> 8 Shaquana Herzog Theme park manager 667.617.8036x99553
#> 9 Maybell Raynor-Hartmann Writer (616)978-2091
#> 10 Averie Murphy Community pharmacist 1-111-441-1704
ch_generate('job', 'phone_number', n = 30)
#> # A tibble: 30 x 2
#> job phone_number
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Armed forces training and education officer 1-673-556-2393x997
#> 2 Soil scientist 1-296-630-3970
#> 3 Optician, dispensing 1-678-990-8871
#> 4 Learning disability nurse 461.171.6544
#> 5 Editor, commissioning 05011328685
#> 6 Designer, exhibition/display +26(6)2762788230
#> 7 Financial risk analyst 1-636-012-0957x508
#> 8 Scientist, biomedical 719.524.4489
#> 9 Teacher, English as a foreign language +54(0)1232453568
#> 10 Lecturer, higher education (853)580-9291x3186
#> # … with 20 more rows
#> [1] "Kara Boehm"
#> [1] "Rebecca Monahan" "Suzann Franecki" "Debby Nikolaus"
#> [4] "Ama Ullrich" "Arba Volkman" "Antony Mueller"
#> [7] "Ms. Cinnamon Anderson" "Iver Hermann" "Shirleen Mills-Schmidt"
#> [10] "Hadley Little"
#> [1] "+36(0)2342842531"
#> [1] "08296463291" "970.366.6818" "01055866557"
#> [4] "01717878683" "785-103-9978" "1-079-787-2377x619"
#> [7] "323.362.8212" "1-303-274-5722" "493.066.7885x8181"
#> [10] "610.791.1645x3705"
#> [1] "Therapeutic radiographer"
#> [1] "Environmental manager" "Designer, blown glass/stained glass"
#> [3] "Conservator, furniture" "Copy"
#> [5] "Administrator, local government" "Investment analyst"
#> [7] "Public librarian" "Engineer, materials"
#> [9] "Mechanical engineer" "Forest/woodland manager"
#> [1] "VISA 16 digit"
ch_credit_card_provider(n = 4)
#> [1] "VISA 16 digit" "JCB 15 digit" "JCB 15 digit" "American Express"
#> [1] "561223593016571"
ch_credit_card_number(n = 10)
#> [1] "54998053024724596" "869968125239286630" "210063772612064392"
#> [4] "4060155369087233" "501898051709842" "3712676203745602"
#> [7] "3461064670166497" "3096517555374787348" "3158434698000233509"
#> [10] "3037311974396594"
#> [1] "811"
#> [1] "598" "164" "0297" "083" "741" "519" "948" "452" "6641" "286"
- eacton/R-Utility-Belt-ggplot2 (
- Scott Chamberlain (
- Kyle Voytovich (
- Martin Pedersen (
- wakefield (
- ids (
- rcorpora (
- synthpop (
- Please report any issues or bugs.
- License: MIT
- Get citation information for
in R doingcitation(package = 'charlatan')
- Please note that this package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.