This repository contains the source code for Qt as used on Replicator series machines (internally referred to by the codename "birdwing"). The code in this repository is licenced under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 -- see LICENSE.LGPL for details.
In order to compile this library for use on Replicator series machines, a suitable cross compiler must be used. We strongly recommend the use of the cross linaro toolchain at as this is what is used for all official UltiMaker firmware builds. (This toolchain as well as the build instructions here require the use of linux.)
The build script
is provided as an example of how to configure
and build the Qt library for use on Replicator series machines. The script
as written expects this repository to be cloned into a sibling directory to
a directory in which
was cloned (ie this repository exists at /home/user/build/Birdwing-Qt and that
repository exists at /home/user/build/Birdwing-Cross-Compile-Tools. The build
script can be invoked with no arguments and will produce all library components
distributed in the firmware (along with other components not distributed in the
firmware) in the obj-install
directory. A path to an external directory can
also be provided as a command line argument to this script, which will copy
only the library components distributed in the firmware into this directory.
The most straightforward way to install a modified version of the Qt library
onto a Replicator series machine is to enable ssh access on that machine.
SSH access via a public key over a local network connection can be enabled
using the script
checked into this repository. (Since we
only support logging in as root via ssh, we also only support public key
authentication for ssh connections.) To use this script (or to use ssh),
you need to separately generate a public/private keypair with ssh-keygen,
and also you need to determine the local network IP address of the printer.
With ssh enabled, the machine must be prepared to allow modifications to the filesystem. For security the filesystem defaults to read-only, so to modify anything it must be remounted as read only. For a printer at an IP address of, the ssh command to do this would be:
ssh [email protected] 'mount -o remount,rw /'
For modifying Qt specifically it is also recommended to stop any running applications that are using Qt, which can be accomplished by the command:
ssh [email protected] '/etc/init.d/S07* stop'
One convenient way to install a modified build of Qt onto a printer is to set up sshfs, which can be used to mount the root filesystem of the printer onto a local directory on the computer used for compiling Qt, then having the script here directly copy the modified files into that directory:
mkdir -p $HOME/rootfs_target
sshfs [email protected]:/ $HOME/rootfs_target -o uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g)
python $HOME/rootfs_target
fusermount -u $HOME/rootfs_target