This is a simple go webapp for demonstrating how to use GitHub Actions to deploy to
Clone the repository and cd
into it:
git clone
cd go-demo-app
You can run the dummy unit tests.
$ go test ''
ok /go-demo-app 0.413s
You can access the app at http://localhost:8080
$ go build
$ ./go-demo-app.exe
Listening on port 8080
$ cf push .
Pushing app . to org / space ...
Applying manifest manifest.yml...
Manifest applied
Packaging files to upload...
Uploading files...
3.61 MiB / 3.61 MiB 100.00% 2s
There is a demo workflow in this repository that will build, test, and deploy the app to when a pull request is created or changes are pushed to main. The worflow uses the cg-cli-tools action. In order to use this action you will need to create a service account in and store the username and password as secrets in GitHub. You can use the following command to create the service account:
$ cf create-service cloud-gov-service-account space-deployer my-service-account
Once you've created the service account you can bind a service key to it and obtain the credentials.
$ cf create-service-key my-service-account my-service-key
$ cf service-key my-service-account my-service-key
"password": "oYasdflhhhhin9oijjhdliecV",
"username": "yyyyyy-aabb-1234-fe9uytjyutt321000"