This module acts as an overlay over the Alfresco SDK. It is 100% compatible with the Alfresco SDK which means switching to it which means that activating the overlay is a simple matter of swithing the SDK parent in your project to this artifact.
Orignal definition in your project pom.xml:
Parent definition for a project based on this overlay:
So what value does this module overlay provide?
- Integration tests support
- Functional tests support (rest service)
- Metrics using Jacoco
- CMIS upload of artifacts
- Local development deployments to a standalone tomcat
Integration tests bootstraps a whole Alfresco environment which allows for testing using the internal alfresco services.
To use the integration test features the alfresco-test project should be included as dependencies in your amp project. See for more information.
Integration tests are triggered using mvn clean verify -Pit
. Optionally also clean the db and data store mvn clean verify -Pit,purge
. Also if you want to run a specific test you can use mvn clean verify -Pit,purge -Dit.test=org.redpill.alfresco.demo.DemoComponentIntegrationTest
Note that all integration tests must be suffixed with "IntegrationTest" to function.
Functional tests launches an embedded tomcat with your deplyed amp customizations. This allows for testing webscripts and other APIs.
To use the functional test features the alfresco-test project should be included as dependencies in your amp project. See for more information.
Functional tests are triggered using mvn clean verify -Pft
. Optionally also clean the db and data store mvn clean verify -Pft,purge
. Also if you want to run a specific test you can use mvn clean verify -Pft,purge -Dft.test=org.redpill.alfresco.demo.DemoComponentFunctionalTest
Note that all functional tests must be suffixed with "FunctionalTest" to function.
To trigger collection of Jacoco metrics use the jenkins
profile in coordination with functional or integration tests. These metrics can then be used in Jenkins using the Jacoco plugin or in other analytic tools.
mvn clean verify -Pit,ft,purge,jenkins
You can also upload built artifacts to a CMIS repository such as Alfresco. Configure a profile in your local maven settings file (~/.m2/settings.xml).
Use mvn clean install -Palfresco-dep,upload
to upload all built artifacts to Alfresco.
You can also deploy your maven project to your local tomcat installation. Use the following maven command:
mvn clean package -Pdev,alfresco-dev1
This will look up settings of your local alfresco environment among your profiles. It is best practice to keep these profiles in your local maven settings file (~/.m2/settings.xml).
If you're using version 2.2.4 or later, make sure your share project have the following line in the pom.xml: