(Currently work in progress)
Unofficial integration for Aux Cloud connected appliances like air conditioners and heat pumps. Aux Cloud is a service based on the Broadlink platform that allows you to control your appliances from anywhere. This is a cloud alternative to[replacing wifi module in your AC](https: // github.com / GrKoR / esphome_aux_ac_component), which will also allow you to control heat pumps. The implementation of API requests are based on public resources from Broadlink documentation and lots of reverse engineering.
How to use the demo script:
- Create file config.yaml in custom_components / dev directory
- Complete in folder dev config.yaml with your email and password, and shared value
- Example of config.yaml
email: 'email'
password: 'password'
shared: False
- Run script with
python demo.py
As the project is in early stage, there are a lot of things to do. Here is a list of tasks that need to be done:
- Reverse egineer the Aux Cloud API
- [x][API] Implement login
- [x][API] Implement getting devices information
- [][API] Implement updating device state
- [][Home Assistant] Cloud data fetcher
- [][Home Assistant] Data coordinator
- [][Home Assistant] config flow
- [][Home Assistant] climate entity
- [][Home Assistant] sensor entity
- [][Home Assistant] binary sensor entity
- [][Home Assistant] number entity
- [][Home Assistant] services
- [] Documentation
- [] Add to HACS
- [] Translations